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EEF SWISS LABEL-XP - Com Consulting SA

EEF SWISS LABEL-XP - Com Consulting SA

EEF SWISS LABEL-XP - Com Consulting SA


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C O M PA N Y P RO F I L Eproficiency). There are no requirements for qualifications in naturalsciences or in homoeopathy. We offer our training courses everytwo years; the next starts in April 2009.What order of costs must be anticipated for the overall training course, andwhat opportunities are there to reduce these charges?The tuition fees are about CHF 2,850 per quarter (for 17 quarters),including exam fees. The following cantons support the trainingcourse, providing the student qualifies by residence for a scholarship:ZG, LU, OW, TG, TI and FL (negotiations are in progress with furthercantons). The tuition fee reduction amounts to about 30% of thetuition fees.Dr. Mohinder Singh Jus is the Director of the SHI Homoeopathic College.Can you explain your tuition methods to us in more detail?Dr. Jus: I was born in Delhi in 1947, and was trained as a homoeopathicdoctor in India. This qualification is recognised there at thefederal level, and is equivalent to a medical qualification. In 1985 Icame to Switzerland with the aim of propagating the homoeopathicknowledge that I had gained from my teacher, Dr. B.K. Bose, and topromote homoeopathy so that it would gain the recognition that itdeserved within the Swiss health system. I have now been engaged inhomoeopathy in Switzerland for 24 years.In 1988 I started the SHI project, which now includes the SHIHomoeopathic College, the SHI homoeopathic clinic, the Homoeosana– pharmacy, publishing house and production of homeopathicremedies, the Dr. B. K. Bose Foundation (for promotion of classicalhomoeopathy) and the SHI homoeopathic garden, where 120 medicinalplants can be seen.My teaching is based on the lively picture method of the famoushomoeopath James Tyler Kent. I see homoeopathy as an art in which themain focus is on the patient, not the illness. The homoeopath must feeland understand the patient; only then can he accompany him on thepath to healing. With 40 years in practice, I can speak from longexperience and illustrate my presentations with many practical examples.This practical aspect has top priority in my tuition.The SHI Homoeopathic College also offers further education. What areasare studied in greater depth here?In homoeopathy you never stop learning, because each patient isindividual and the knowledge about the homoeopathic remedies(materia medica) is very extensive. The Materia Medica subject isespecially addressed in greater depth, and patient supervisionperformed – therapists can present their most difficult cases. These arepresented in different forms (e.g. three-day intensive seminars orevening courses) and focussing on different topics (such as “migraines”or “thyroid disease”).Your lecturers include several medical doctors. Can one infer from thatthat in your College you see no contradiction between formal medicineand homoeopathy?Yes indeed, there is no contradiction of any kind. There should becooperation with formal medicine. Fully half the training is devotedPractical lab in medicine.to medical studies. By this means the prospective homoeopaths learnnot least a sense of responsibility and of recognition of their limits.Nevertheless, homoeopathy – especially in recent years – has occasionallybeen severely criticised in public, with particularly the scientific communityrepeatedly challenging the effectiveness of Hahnemann’s principle“similia similibus curentur” – “similar effects are healed by similarmeans”. What is the practitioner's reply to these critics?The spread and acceptance of homoeopathy, or more generally thatof alternative medicine, has increased. More and more people arebeing treated in this way. Consequently the demand for qualitativelywell-trained therapists is also increasing. On the other hand therestill remains a discrepancy between public recognition and perception,since complementary and alternative medicine despite highlevels of training and proven success in healing is constantly linkedto charlatanism. Therefore by clearly defining and implementing thequality of training we aim to sort the wheat from the chaff. Ourhfnh training takes us to a high level; indeed there is no comparabletraining in this field anywhere in Switzerland.SHI Homöopathie SchuleSteinhauserstrasse 51 - CH-6300 ZugTel.: +41 (0)41 748 21 77 - Fax: +41 (0)41 748 21 84E-mail: schule@shi.ch - Website: www.shi.ch - www.hfnh.ch© SHI Homöopathie Schule77Swiss Label UNTERRICHT - ERZIEHUNG - AUSBILDUNG - Dezember 2008

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