12.07.2015 Aufrufe

Internationale Ansätze und Konzepte zur Berufsorientierung ...

Internationale Ansätze und Konzepte zur Berufsorientierung ...

Internationale Ansätze und Konzepte zur Berufsorientierung ...


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Herr, E. L., Cramer, S. H., & Niles, S. G. (2004). Career guidance and counselling through the lifespan.Systematic approaches. Boston: Pearson.Hershey, A. M., Silverberg, M. K., Owens, T., & Hulsey, L. K. (1998). Focus for the future: The finalreport of the national tech-prep evaluation. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research.Holland, J. L. (1984). A theory of careers: Some new developments and revisions. Paper presented atthe American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Ontario.Howard, K., Warner, V., & Loyd, C. M. (2002). Core ITAC Resource Unit. Columbus, OH: Center onEducation and Training for Employment.Hull, D. M. (2000). Education and career preparation for the new millennium. A vision for systemicchange. Waco, TX: Cord.Isaacson, L. E., & Brown, D. (1997). Career information, career counselling, and career development.Boston: Allyn and Bacon.Kirk, J. J., & Kirk, L. D. (1995). Training games for career development. New York: McGraw-Hill.Lauterbach, U. (1995): <strong>Internationale</strong>s Handbuch der Berufsausbildung. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.USA 1 – USA 91. Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.Lent, R. W., Hackett, G., & Brown, S. D. (1999). A social-cognitive view of school-to-work transition.The Career Development Quarterly, 47, 297-311.Livingstone, D. W. (1998). The education-job gap: Underemployment or economic democracy. WestviewPress.Ludden, L., Shatkin, L., & Farr, J. M. (2001). Guide for occupational exploration. St. Paul, MN: JistWorks.Maddy-Bernstein, C., & Cunanan, E. S. (1995). Exemplary career guidance programs: What shouldthey look like? (MDS-855). Berkeley: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, Universityof California, Berkeley.Matias, Z. B., & Maddy-Bernstein, C. (1999). Zeroing in on students’ needs: The 1998 exemplary careerguidance and counselling programs. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational andAdult Education.Martinez, M. I.; Goldberger, S., & Alongi, A. (1996). A year of progress in school-to-work career systembuilding: The benchmark communities initiative. Boston: Jobs for the Future.McGowan, B., & Law, B. (2000, January). Exploring career-related learning in primary schools.NICED Briefing. Cambridge, England: National Institute of Careers Education and Counseling.Miller, J. V. (1985). Establish a career development theory. Module CG A-4 of Category A – GuidanceProgram Planning. Compentency-based career guidance modules. Columbus, OH: The NationalCenter for Research in Vocational Education.Miller, M. J. (1989). Career couseling for the elementary school child: Grades K-5. Journal of EmploymentCounseling, 25(4), 172-179.Miller, J.; Goodman, J., & Collison, B. (1991). The national career development guidelines: Progressand possibilities. NOICC Occasional Papers 3Miller, M. J., & Knippers, J. A. (1992). Jeopardy: A career information game for school counsellors.The Career Development Quarterly, 41, 55-61.Mortimer, Jeylan T. (2003): Working and Growing Up in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UniversityPress.Münch, J. (1992). Bildung, Ausbildung <strong>und</strong> Beschäftigung in Deutschland, Japan <strong>und</strong> den USA – einevergleichende Problemskizze. Berufsbildung, 2, 39-42.64

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