24.12.2012 Aufrufe

Untersuchungen zum Argininstoffwechsel bei Mycobacterium bovis ...

Untersuchungen zum Argininstoffwechsel bei Mycobacterium bovis ...

Untersuchungen zum Argininstoffwechsel bei Mycobacterium bovis ...


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102<br />

points out that the enzymes ArcB and ArcC are as well present in M. <strong>bovis</strong> BCG and<br />

M. tuberculosis.<br />

It was shown by the in vivo experiments that the ∆arcA-mutant of M. <strong>bovis</strong> BCG was<br />

attenuated in immunocompetent BALB/c-mice. Therefore, the arginine deiminase<br />

seems to play a role for persistence in mice.<br />

With regards to the long term objective of the development of a new vaccine, a<br />

∆narG ∆arcA M. tuberculosis double mutant was generated. As expected, it showed<br />

neither arginine deiminase activity nor nitrate reductase activity. Whether the<br />

attenuation in vivo is amplified by the double mutation has to be subject of further<br />


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