Why Game? 1 - TextFiles.com

Why Game? 1 - TextFiles.com

Why Game? 1 - TextFiles.com


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desperately sought after collectables known to<br />

gamerkind. Having never actually played any of<br />

his vast assortments, I was certain they were<br />

only displayed to torment the many underpaid<br />

freelancers that saunter through there. I paused<br />

briefly at his three factory sealed copies of<br />

“Shinrei Jusaishi Taroumaru,” propped up and<br />

resting on the box of a Metal Slug AES cart no<br />

less. Collectors who never play their games;<br />

how do they even know if these games actually<br />

work or if the dealer didn’t simply replaced the<br />

innards of that AES cartridge with old teabags?<br />

How he funded such decadent collecting baffled<br />

me.<br />

Mr. Bumblebry himself, resembled a young-<br />

er Elliot Gould with massive moustache and a<br />

loose flowing Burberry shirt that would make<br />

Austin Powers blush, unbuttoned of course, to<br />

reveal a tacky Space Invaders T-Shirt. However,<br />

the final touch was his massive horn-rimmed<br />

glasses that had mirror shades clipped onto<br />

them. Unlike your stereotypical obsessive games<br />

collector, his personality was perhaps more<br />

closely akin to that of the Irish TV personality<br />

Bernard Black, except with a cockney accent.<br />

He would drift across subjects, with a worryingly<br />

spontaneous air that seemed almost propelled<br />

by the ridiculously rare bottles of Metal Gear<br />

Solid wine he had.<br />

I slammed the latest dozen page feature<br />

down on the desk, “Where’s my money for this,<br />

mate?”<br />

He drifted back to reality, and finally<br />

noticed my presence as thick smoke from his<br />

Gitane cigarette wafted upwards, “Hmm? Easy<br />

geezer, freelance payment <strong>com</strong>es out 6 weeks<br />

later. Besides, you know how it is, limits with the<br />

budget, innit?”<br />

I looked around his wretched office, which<br />

I could barely tolerate at the best of times. The<br />

paint had been stained yellow with nicotine and<br />

the smell of fried grease hung in the air like a<br />

cheap bordello. There were bad memories in<br />

those walls and not just because he rented it<br />

off some bloke who’d used it as a knackers yard<br />

previously.<br />

My retort was swift, “Listen, I spent 24<br />

hours on the cold streets of London without<br />

sleep so I could attend and report on that<br />

bloody 8-bit convention, you said payment<br />

would be given when I handed it in.”<br />

It was true, the convention required long<br />

queuing and I was feeling sweaty and dishev-<br />

eled after the previous two days.<br />

“But mate, surely it was fun being there?”<br />

“Yeah,” I responded jadedly. “A real barrel<br />

of laughs when the SpecChums started a ruckus<br />

with some Commodore owners, it felt like a<br />

1986 playground all over again. I can’t believe<br />

people still buy and read reports on this stuff.”<br />

“It’s all about the nostalgia mate, wash it<br />

down with a little Newky Brown and you feel like<br />

a kid again.”<br />

Ahh yes, I thought to myself, the old nos-<br />

talgia ploy. People love reading about old clas-<br />

sics perhaps even more than they love collecting<br />

them. I lied, “Look, if you don’t pay me now, it’s<br />

going to your big rivals Geeq.”<br />

“Funny you should mention them mate,” he<br />

said placing a large cardboard box on the desk.<br />

“I know you consider yourself a bit of a collector<br />

like, so I procured for your perusal this rather<br />

Soldier of Lost Fortune 13

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