Protocols - Hemorio

Protocols - Hemorio

Protocols - Hemorio


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Encephalic vascular accident, acute or intermittent episodes caused by infarct.<br />

The best results are obtained when the change is performed up to 6 hours<br />

CVA<br />

after the installation of the table. The purpose is to keep the HbS between 30<br />

and 50%.<br />

Acute Thoracic Syndrome – thoracic or abdominal pain, fever, pulmonary<br />

infiltrate to the radiological test, progressive respiratory failure, dispneia, PaO2<br />

ATS<br />

< 60 mmHg, kept for 6 months. The best results are obtained with the<br />

introduction of the Change Transfusion, as soon as ATS is established.<br />

Pulmonary<br />

In subjects with ECG presenting tricuspid regurgitation speed higher than 2.5<br />

hypertension<br />

or diagnosis of HP by other cardiopulmonary criteria.<br />

Execute the procedure in at most up to 12h, after the installation of the table,<br />

Priapism<br />

mainly if the HCT ≥ 20% of the baseline, in children or ≥ 25% in the adults.<br />

Refractory algic crisis Causing muscular necrosis with no-responsive pain to the drug in the 48h.<br />

Indicated in special cases that must be discussed jointly to the multidisciplinary<br />

Leg ulcer<br />

group. The Change Transfusion or hypertransfusion is indicated in the cases of<br />

concurrent hyperbaric treatment.<br />

History of multiple abortions, complications during the pregnancy and<br />

Pregnant women<br />

gemellary pregnancy.<br />

Surgeries Preparation for elective surgeries, of medium to big size.<br />

* The red blood cells to be transfused in this subjects must be de-leukocytated prophylactically and<br />

compatible for the antigens Rh and Kell (Rh1, Rh2, Rh3, Rh4, K1). Respect, whenever possible, the<br />

phenotype Jka and Jkb of the subject.<br />

* The regimen to be used at the change transfusion is described next:<br />


1st - Check the subject’s weight<br />

- Vital Signs<br />

Step<br />

- Calculation of the total volemia (WEIGHT X 70)<br />

- Dosage of Hb or HCT of the unit(s) to be transfused<br />

2nd Step - Hydration – Fast step of 10 to 15 ml/Kg of SF to 0.9%<br />

3rd Step - Remove from 10 – 20% of the total volemia of the subject by step<br />

4th Step - Infuse around 5ml/Kg or 50% of the volume to be infused between the removals<br />

5th Step - Repeat the previous items until the volume to be removed is reached<br />

From 15% of removal of the total volemia from the subject, if it is necessary to keep the oncotic pressure<br />

of the subject, a human albumin may be used as a replacement liquid, and, in case of absence, plasma<br />

may be used.<br />


In general, 40 ml/Kg of weight are removed from the subject and transfused 30 ml/Kg. The purpose of the<br />

change is to keep the S hemoglobin between 30-50% until the next change procedure.<br />

If it is not possible, for any reason – particularly lack of a proper venous access – include the subject at the<br />

change regimen, you may choose the chronic simple transfusion regimen, being careful to make an<br />

adjuvant therapy with Iron chelant when the serum ferritin increases to more than 2,000 µg/dL.<br />


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