Languages & Literatures 2011 | 1 | - Peter Lang

Languages & Literatures 2011 | 1 | - Peter Lang

Languages & Literatures 2011 | 1 | - Peter Lang


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58 Romance <strong><strong>Lang</strong>uages</strong> and <strong>Literatures</strong> · Romanistik · <strong>Lang</strong>ues et littératures romanes<br />

and different syncretisms . Two chapters re-<br />

examine the theoretical concept of hybrid-<br />

ity from these Pacific perspectives .<br />

ContentS: Introduction . Cultural Cross-<br />

ings . Negotiating Identities in Pacific Litera-<br />

ture • Anne Salmond: Sacrifices from Afar .<br />

Tahiti and Europe • Sylvie André : Le « brico-<br />

lage » culturel dans les romans contempo-<br />

rains de la Région Pacifique • Viviane Fayaud :<br />

Les éditions illustrées du Mariage de Loti,<br />

1898-1944 . Identités polynésiennes entre re-<br />

gard et rêve • Béatrice Sudul : Aux sources de<br />

l’écriture polynésienne . Essai d’interprétation<br />

historique de la littérature contemporaine •<br />

Dominique Jouve : Négociation de la fracture<br />

coloniale, le cas des textes multilingues de<br />

Waia Görödé • Emma Sinclair-Reynolds: Path-<br />

ways between Traditions . (Re)writing and<br />

Identity Construction in Kanaky/Nouvelle-<br />

Calédonie • Titaua Porcher : La terre et les mots<br />

dans la négociation des identités • Sonia<br />

Faessel : La Construction de l’identité dans<br />

L’Épave de Déwé Gorodé et Le Baiser de la<br />

mangue (Mango’s Kiss) d’Albert Wendt . Entre<br />

mythes, cultures et histoire • Isabel Moutinho :<br />

Timor Leste et la réaffirmation d’une iden-<br />

tité multiculturelle • Karin Speedy: Mem-<br />

ories, Myths and Métissage as Means of Ne-<br />

gotiating Identity in Hélène Savoie’s Les terres<br />

de la demi-lune • Selina Tusitala Marsh: Pas-<br />

ifika Poetry on the Move . Staging Polynation<br />

• Alice Te Punga Somerville: Our Sea of An-<br />

thologies . Collection, Display and the Deep<br />

Blue Sea • Deborah Walker-Morrison: Voice,<br />

Image, Text . Tensions, Interactions and Trans-<br />

lation Choices in a Multi-language, Multimedia<br />

Presentation of Kanak Literature •<br />

Raylene Ramsay: Rethinking Hybridity as a<br />

Frame for Understanding Identity Construction<br />

. The New Caledonian Case • Alistair Fox:<br />

Cultural Hybridity in Contemporary New<br />

Zealand Fiction . A Theoretical Intervention •<br />

Jean Anderson: La Traduction résistante . Some<br />

Principles of Resistant Translation of Francophone<br />

and Anglophone Pacific Literature .<br />

Raylene RaMSay is Professor of French at<br />

the University of Auckland and Director of the<br />

French Pacific Research Centre . She has translated<br />

the poems and novel of Kanak writer<br />

Déwé Gorodé with Deborah Walker (Sharing<br />

as Custom Provides), edited Nights of Storytelling,<br />

A Cultural History of New Caledonia and<br />

is continuing to research Pacific literatures .<br />

The author of French Women in Politics,<br />

The French New Autobiographies and Robbe-<br />

Grillet and Modernity, Ramsay is a Fellow of<br />

the Royal Society of New Zealand and a Chevalier<br />

dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres .<br />

Rossella M . Riccobono (ed .)<br />

The Poetics of the Margins<br />

€ D includes VAT – valid for Germany · € A includes VAT – valid for Austria<br />

I<br />

Mapping Europe from the Interstices<br />

Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles,<br />

Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2010 .<br />

X, 211 pp ., num . coloured and b/w ill .<br />

Cultural Identity Studies . Vol . 23<br />

Edited by Helen Chambers<br />

pb . ISBN 978-3-0343-0158-9<br />

CHF 59 .– / € D 40 .40 / € A 41 .60 / € 37 .80 /<br />

£ 34 .– / US-$ 58 .95<br />

T<br />

Christopher Rundle<br />

n the 1930s translation became a key issue<br />

in the cultural politics of the Fascist<br />

regime due to the fact that Italy was publishing<br />

more translations than any other country<br />

in the world . Making use of extensive<br />

archival research, the author of this new<br />

study examines this ‘invasion of translations’<br />

through a detailed statistical analysis of the<br />

translation market . The book shows how trans-<br />

lations appeared to challenge official claims<br />

about the birth of a Fascist culture and cast<br />

Italy in a receptive role that did not tally with<br />

Fascist notions of a dominant culture extending<br />

its influence abroad . The author shows<br />

further that the commercial impact of this invasion<br />

provoked a sustained reaction against<br />

translated popular literature on the part of<br />

those writers and intellectuals who felt threat-<br />

his volume contains a selection of the<br />

proceedings of a conference on European<br />

problems of identity titled Europe and<br />

its Others, which was held in St Andrews in<br />

July 2007 . It looks at some of the histories<br />

and stories that connect the European margins<br />

to an imagined or imaginary centre of<br />

this complex continent as seen mostly from<br />

within, and with self-reflective insights from<br />

literary, socio-historical and cinematic perspectives<br />

. By following the marginal route<br />

created by the essays, the volume juxtaposes,<br />

as in a mosaic, a range of artistic discourses<br />

produced in many European languages<br />

. Each of these discourses highlights<br />

Publishing Translations in Fascist Italy<br />

Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2010 .<br />

XVI, 252 pp ., num . tables and graphs<br />

Italian Modernities . Vol . 6<br />

Edited by Pierpaolo Antonello and Robert Gordon<br />

pb . ISBN 978-3-03911-831-1<br />

CHF 59 .– / € D 40 .40 / € A 41 .60 / € 37 .80 / £ 34 .– / US-$ 58 .95<br />

ened by its success . He examines the aggressive<br />

campaign that was conducted against the<br />

Italian Publishers Federation by the Authors<br />

and Writers Union (led by the Futurist poet<br />

F . T . Marinetti), accusing them of favouring<br />

their private profit over the national interest .<br />

Finally, the author traces the evolution of Fascist<br />

censorship, showing how the regime developed<br />

a gradually more repressive policy towards<br />

translations as notions of cultural purity<br />

began to influence the perception of<br />

imported literature .<br />

ChRiStoPheR Rundle is a tenured researcher<br />

at the Advanced School for Interpreters<br />

and Translators (SSLMIT) at the University<br />

of Bologna and Honorary Fellow of<br />

the School of <strong><strong>Lang</strong>uages</strong>, Linguistics and Cultures<br />

at the University of Manchester .<br />

a different perception of belonging or not<br />

belonging to Europe; and each of these discourses<br />

brings to the fore in its respective<br />

society a fresh perspective on new European<br />

territories seen not as ‘the other’ but<br />

rather as contiguous tiles in a mosaic of<br />

idio syncrasies . Lying one next to the other,<br />

these territories engage in dialogue poetic-<br />

ally – harmoniously or dissonantly – in an<br />

attempt to create through their juxtaposition<br />

an enigmatic poetic discourse of the<br />

margins .<br />

ContentS: Rossella Riccobono: Introduction<br />

• Ubaldo Riccobono: ‘Isle-solitudes’ and<br />

European Archaeologies in Leonardo Sciascia<br />

• Marina Spunta: Escaping the World and<br />

Returning to the ‘Province’ in Claudio Piersanti’s<br />

Fiction • Rossella Riccobono: Pier Vittorio<br />

Tondelli between Europe and Emilia: Centre<br />

and Margins in Camere separate • Margherita<br />

Sprio: Migrant Translations: Matarazzo<br />

Remembered • Eleni Papargyriou: Centralising<br />

the Marginal, Marginalising the Central:<br />

Panos Karnezis’s Prose Fiction • Kate Roy: Remembering<br />

Hetereogeneous Histories: How<br />

the Writing of Emine Sevgi Özdamar and Leïla<br />

Sebbar Reinscribes the Other in a ‘European’<br />

Past • Cristina Johnston: Reshaping Identi-

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