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LED<br />

BIT<br />

RED } D3<br />

YELLOW EL M D4<br />

GRE EN D 5<br />

LED<br />

RED }<br />

YELLOW<br />

GRE EN<br />

MAIN<br />

.<br />

You must now determine the patterns of logic ones and zeros that<br />

required to turn the individual LEDs on or off. In our circuit,<br />

latch chips were used to drive the LEDs directly, and a zero<br />

ed a LED on, while a one turned a LED off. What values are<br />

u going to use to turn the various LEDs on and off<br />

e found that the following binary values were needed. The deci­<br />

. equivalents have also been provided for you.<br />

Red 254 11111110<br />

Yellow 253 11111101<br />

Green 251 11111011<br />

MAIN Red 247 11110111<br />

MAIN Yellow 239 11101111<br />

MAIN Green 223 11011111<br />

To start the traffic-light control operation, write a program that<br />

'II flash the yellow light on Main Street and the red light on Elm<br />

reet; one second on and one second off. What is the "on" pattern,<br />

d what is the "off' pattern<br />

e off pattern is 255, or all logic ones, while the on pattern has<br />

ts D4 and DO both as logic zeros, or 23810• We used the following<br />

POKE 49318,255<br />

FOR T = 0 TO 770: NEXT T<br />

POKE 49318,238<br />

FOR T = 0 TO 770: NEXT T<br />

GOTO 10<br />


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