The Anthropology Of Genocide - WNLibrary

The Anthropology Of Genocide - WNLibrary

The Anthropology Of Genocide - WNLibrary


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106 essentializing difference<br />

If National Socialist Germany’s “origin myth” was consciously modeled after a<br />

hero tale metanarrative, as I am suggesting here, it also was logically unable to cope<br />

with defeat. As Gellner has argued, “[T]he Nazi salvation was selective, it was reserved<br />

for the strong and victorious, and when they lost, there was no logical bolthole”<br />

(1994:147). Protagonists of hero-tales don’t need boltholes, because their narratives<br />

have happy endings by definition. This may be why defeat in 1945 seems to<br />

have been especially traumatic in the discipline of prehistoric archaeology, which<br />

has maintained a kind of collective amnesia for more than fifty years on the subject<br />

of its role in the construction of the National Socialist metanarrative (Arnold<br />

1990; Arnold and Hassmann 1995; but see Halle and Schmidt 1999). Other compromised<br />

academic disciplines eventually went through a self-critical and selfreflexive<br />

phase, the timing of which varied depending on the extent of their involvement.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact that German prehistoric archaeology is only now beginning<br />

to come to terms with its past is, I believe, testimony to its involvement in the construction<br />

of the hero-tale that went so horribly wrong, and the degree to which it<br />

owed its existence as a legitimate discipline to the National Socialist state.<br />


<strong>The</strong> mutability of archaeological approaches to ethnicity and the construction of<br />

nationalist narrative can be seen in the shifting focus on different ethnic groups by<br />

European nations in the twentieth century. For example, the Germanic tribes were<br />

manipulated for the purposes of political propaganda at least as early as Julius Caesar,<br />

who clearly had ulterior motives for the ethnic distinctions he made between<br />

the “barbarian” populations on the left (“Celtic”) and right (“Germanic”) banks<br />

of the Rhine. Tacitus’s depiction of the Germanic character as the polar opposite<br />

of his dissolute and debauched Roman contemporaries has already been mentioned.<br />

<strong>The</strong> creation by the National Socialists of the myth of Germanic racial<br />

superiority is a more recent application of the archaeology of ethnicity to a political<br />

agenda that included the systematic extinction of whole segments of the population.<br />

George Andreopoulos argues that the “fiction of the nation-state often contains<br />

a prescription for the cultural destruction of a people through state policies<br />

of more or less compulsory assimilation and, at the limit, for genocide” (1994:6).<br />

He cites the example of the Belgian state: “Much as the colonial Gold Coast invented<br />

a 1000-year old historical pedigree by renaming itself Ghana, Belgian historians<br />

seek their roots in Caesar’s De Bello Gallico. Never mind that Caesar’s Belgae<br />

had only the most tenuous connection with today’s Belgians” (ibid.:7–8).<br />

Nazi Germany is by no means the only example of the use and abuse of the<br />

past by genocidal regimes, though it may be one of the most extreme. Another<br />

much-studied example comes from the United States. In the late eighteenth and<br />

nineteenth centuries the European population of the United States was engaged<br />

in displacing, physically eliminating, or culturally assimilating indigenous popula-

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