The Anthropology Of Genocide - WNLibrary

The Anthropology Of Genocide - WNLibrary

The Anthropology Of Genocide - WNLibrary


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344 critical reflections<br />

Jonassohn (1992), and Barbara Harff (1992), among others. <strong>The</strong>y have either agreed to expand<br />

the U. N. definition or to coin additional terms such as politicide, to describe the state<br />

violence against groups that are not ethnically, “racially,” or religiously based.<br />

17. <strong>The</strong>re are a number of other issues having to do with, for example, intentionality<br />

and other preconditions for genocide, all of which are ably raised and discussed in a volume<br />

edited by George Andreopoulos entitled <strong>Genocide</strong> (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania<br />

Press, 1994).<br />

18. I use the term minority reluctantly and only because it is in general usage. People described<br />

as “minorities” often object to the terminology because of its connotations of minor,<br />

less than, with fewer rights than.<br />

19. Harff (1992) argues that genocide is far less likely in a democracy than in an authoritarian<br />

or totalitarian state. While this may be so, we should not to be too sanguine about<br />

democracy in and of itself as a deterrent to political violence. While it may prevent it in the<br />

metropoles or at least restrict it to “tolerable” numbers there, democratic states have been<br />

direct or indirect participants or supporters of political violence in client states around the<br />

world (see, for example, Ebihara and Ledgerwood, this volume). Like economics and politics<br />

in general, political violence, including genocide is or has become an aspect of the contemporary<br />

transnational world (Falk 2000).<br />


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24(6):230–34.<br />

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Andreopoulos, George, ed. 1994. <strong>Genocide</strong>: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions. Philadelphia:<br />

University of Pennsylvania Press.<br />

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Public Culture 10(2):225–47.<br />

Bacon, David. 1996. “Immigration Policy and Human Rights.” Social Justice 23:137–53.<br />

Barry, Tom. 1995. Zapata’s Revenge: Free Trade and the Farm Crisis in Mexico. Boston: South End<br />

Press.<br />

Barthes, Roland. 1988. <strong>The</strong> Semiotic Challenge. New York: Hill and Wang.<br />

Bassford, C. 1991. “What Wars Can We Find for the Military Now?” Newsday, September 17.<br />

Biskupic, Joan, and William Branigin. 1999. “Court Curbs Free Speech of Illegal Immigrants.”<br />

Washington Post, February 25, 1999, p. A01.<br />

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1977. Outline of a <strong>The</strong>ory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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