Space Grant Consortium - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Space Grant Consortium - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Space Grant Consortium - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay


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curriculum development, to provide additional pr<strong>of</strong>essional development opportunities to faculty<br />

in various disciplines, and to train additional faculty. The funding from this grant allowed faculty<br />

at A lverno C ollege t o w ork out side t heir a reas <strong>of</strong> e xpertise a nd t o l earn a bout, de velop a nd<br />

integrate some <strong>of</strong> the many possible ways <strong>of</strong> using spatial analysis in their courses using GIS.<br />

Faculty members were able to participate in GIS training and pr<strong>of</strong>essional development, and to<br />

identify and design curriculum activities that integrate GIS concepts and applied skills. This has<br />

fostered multiple experiences for students in diverse majors to learn more about the applications<br />

<strong>of</strong> space and geospatial technology using GIS across the institution.<br />

The W SGC H igher E ducation Initiatives G rant is i ntended t o f und “ undergraduate e ducation<br />

projects w hich s upport t he m ost i nnovative i deas on how t o i ncrease t he space an d aerospace<br />

content <strong>of</strong> unde rgraduate uni versity and c ollege <strong>of</strong> ferings”, and t o a lign w ith t he g oals a nd<br />

objectives o f t he N ational S pace G rant C ollege and F ellowship P rogram. This pr oject<br />

specifically meets the following goals: (1) to enable the development <strong>of</strong> a diverse workforce <strong>of</strong><br />

future scientists, engineers, technology pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, and educators; (2) to stimulate and nurture<br />

innovative programs to assure the development and transfer <strong>of</strong> practical applications in aerospace<br />

research and education; (3) to provide access to the excitement, knowledge, and technology from<br />

America's E arth, Air a nd S pace p rograms; and ( 4) t o educate s tudents at al l l evels b y<br />

encouraging and s upporting i nterdisciplinary a nd m ulti-disciplinary r esearch ex periences an d<br />

education programs. In addition, it fits with both the Goddard Center activities to develop and<br />

maintain a dvanced i nformation s ystems f or t he display, a nalysis, a rchiving a nd di stribution <strong>of</strong><br />

space and Earth science data and to develop National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration<br />

(NOAA) satellite systems that provide environmental data for forecasting and research; and the<br />

Stennis S pace C enter A pplied S ciences P rogram t hat s eeks t o b ridge t he g ap b etween E arth<br />

science r esearch r esults an d t he u se o f d ata t o help i ts p artner ag encies make b etter i nformed<br />

decisions.<br />

Project Activities and Accomplishments<br />

The f aculty and s taff feel t hat t his pr oject ha s be en ov erwhelmingly successful, and i t ha s<br />

received support from the administration to continue to expand its impact and reach across the<br />

campus. T he f ocus <strong>of</strong> t his pr oject w as t o provide A lverno f aculty and staff w ith a n<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> how G IS t echnology i s us ed i n m ultiple di sciplines, a nd then to pr ovide<br />

training and pr<strong>of</strong>essional development for those faculty and support staff interested in learning<br />

more about GIS. In turn, the faculty and staff would develop curriculum using GIS, to afford<br />

Alverno s tudents w ith a n unde rstanding <strong>of</strong> how G IS i s us ed i n t heir di sciplines, a nd pr ovide<br />

learning opportunities to student using GIS. Essentially, we hoped to make geospatial science<br />

and technology an integral component in our curriculum content and instruction, but we w ere<br />

starting from scratch, with no specific geospatial content in any area <strong>of</strong> the curriculum.<br />

Alverno ha s s trategically used t he grant f unds a warded b y W SGC t o pr ovide t he m ost<br />

advantageous oppor tunities to p repare b oth f aculty a nd s tudents. Faculty me mbers in itiated<br />

curriculum research, planning, and development in collaboration with a program consultant. Our<br />

developing und erstanding <strong>of</strong> t he pot ential us es <strong>of</strong> G IS ha s be en r egularly s hared w ith t he<br />

Alverno f aculty a nd s taff a t faculty i nstitute s essions, w hich oc cur pr ior t o t he s tart o f e ach<br />

semester an d at t he end o f s pring s emester, an d ar e a f ormalized t ime f or f aculty t o s hare<br />


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