View the meeting handbook - Linguistic Society of America

View the meeting handbook - Linguistic Society of America

View the meeting handbook - Linguistic Society of America


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Vita G. Markman (Pomona College) Session 20Two be's & predicate case in Russian: Matrix vs embedded clausesI address a prohibition on instrumental predicates in Russian present tense main clauses and <strong>the</strong>ir obligatory presence in embeddedclauses. I propose that <strong>the</strong>re are two verbs be in Russian (jest' and byt') that have collapsed into one paradigm. Jest' lacks person,number, and aspect features while byt' is featurally robust. However, byt' does not exist in <strong>the</strong> present tense--jest' must be usedinstead. I argue that aspect features are crucial for licensing instrumental predicate case. Since jest' lacks <strong>the</strong>m, instrumentalpredicates are impossible in present tense main clauses. In embedded clauses <strong>the</strong> matrix verb's aspect licenses instrumental predicatecase.Steve Marlett (SIL/University <strong>of</strong> North Dakota) Session 97Stress & extrametricality in SeriThe major pattern in <strong>the</strong> Seri language is for primary stress to fall on <strong>the</strong> penultimate syllable <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> root (not <strong>the</strong> word). The latterdetail makes <strong>the</strong> stress system somewhat opaque; <strong>the</strong> boundaries between roots and affixes are <strong>of</strong>ten not clear. The facts arecomplicated in various o<strong>the</strong>r ways as well. First, final heavy syllables attract stress. Second, a final consonant generally counts asbeing extrametrical for <strong>the</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> stress (although not for <strong>the</strong> minimal word condition in Seri). Third, some words areidiosyncratically marked as having an entire final extrametrical syllable.Andrew Martin (University <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles) Session 7Geminate avoidance in English morphologyGeminate consonants, although permitted in English across morpheme boundaries (e.g. nighttime), are statistically underrepresented.I propose that this is because learners <strong>of</strong> English internalize competing generalizations: Not only are geminates forbidden withinmorphemes, <strong>the</strong>y are also rare overall since <strong>the</strong>y only occur in a restricted class <strong>of</strong> words. I formalize this as a grammar consisting <strong>of</strong>weighted constraints, coupled with a maximum entropy learning algorithm. Even when trained on data with no bias againstgeminates, this learner assigns <strong>the</strong> general constraint “*Geminate a nonzero weight, resulting in less-than-perfect well-formednessratings for compounds with geminates”.Kosuke Matsukawa (University at Albany, State University <strong>of</strong> New York) Session 38Reconstruction <strong>of</strong> Proto-Trique vowelsTrique languages (Chicahuaxtla Trique, Copala Trique, and Itunyoso Trique) are spoken in Oaxaca, Mexico, and belong to <strong>the</strong>Mixtecan family <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Otomanguean stock. In Proto-Trique, seven oral vowels (/*i/, /*e/, /*ï/, /*ë/, /*a/, /*o/, /*u/) and four nasalvowels (/*in/, /*ïn/, /*an/, /*un/) are reconstructible, and <strong>the</strong>se 11 vowels have four qualities (short vowel, long vowel, glottalizedvowel, and aspirated vowel). I show how <strong>the</strong> Proto-Trique vowel system was reconstructed and how <strong>the</strong> reconstructed Proto-Triquevowels have undergone historical sound changes in its three daughter languages.Stephen Mat<strong>the</strong>ws (University <strong>of</strong> Hong Kong) Session 91Virgina Yip (Chinese University <strong>of</strong> Hong Kong)Wh-interrogatives in Chinese Pidgin English: To move or not to moveWhile English-language sources for CPE typically show fronting <strong>of</strong> wh-phrases as in (1), newly transcribed data from a Chinesesource also show wh-in-situ as in (2):(1) How muchee you gib? [how much are you <strong>of</strong>fering](2) You wantchee how muchee? [how much do you want]Intermediate cases including optional and partial wh-movement are also attested in <strong>the</strong> same source, as well as in bilingual childrenexposed to Cantonese and English from birth. Wh-in-situ is argued to reflect <strong>the</strong> influence <strong>of</strong> Cantonese as substrate language in CPE,and as dominant language in bilingual development.Roberto Mayoral Hernández (University <strong>of</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn California) Session 35Asier Alcázar (University <strong>of</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn California)A corpus analysis <strong>of</strong> weight & unaccusativity in SpanishAbundant research reports that weight affects <strong>the</strong> position <strong>of</strong> postverbal constituents (Hawkins 1994, 2004; Wasow 1997, 2002). Ourstudy analyzes whe<strong>the</strong>r preverbal positions are also affected by this processing constraint. In particular, we focus on <strong>the</strong> position <strong>of</strong>147

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