Spots - Roll Back Malaria

Spots - Roll Back Malaria

Spots - Roll Back Malaria

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Sample pretesting guide for group discussionThis is meant to be a flexible model. Because this is qualitative research, you may restate any question and/orchange the order of the questions to suit your situation as long as all of the topics are covered.Name of pretester:Place of interview:Date:Time:Respondent/group number:Materials played first: Spot 1 Spot 2Participation of the respondent(s): Very active Regular ReservedIntroduction (10 minutes)Good morning/afternoon. My name is _______________________________________ and I’m working with___________________________. Some new radio materials have been prepared and we would like to knowpeople’s opinions about how we can improve these materials before we play them on the radio.Introduction of participants. Before you get started, go around the room having all participants introducethemselves by stating their name, where they live, occupation, number of children, or other easy to answerpersonal background information.About the discussion. This discussion will last about 2 hours, what you say will be kept confidential. We willnot use any names in our report. We want your opinions on the radio spots, so that we can make sure thatthey are appropriate to air in this area.We want to hear what you think based on your beliefs and experiences. We are not here to teach. There are noright or wrong answers, so please feel free to say whatever you believe. It is OK for you to express eitherpositive or negative ideas, to disagree with what others have said, or to change your mind.It is important for us to hear what each one of you thinks so let’s try to give everyone a chance to speak.Please avoid side conversations so that everyone can hear what is said.I will not give my opinion. My role is to guide the discussion so that everyone gets a chance to speak and tomake sure that all the topics are covered.As you can see (show topic guide), we have a lot to discuss so I might move quickly through some subjects,but stop me if you have something to say. Does anyone have any questions? (note their questions)Introduction to playing spotsI’m going to play for you a short radio message we’ve developed. I’m going to play it twice. Then I would liketo ask you a few questions about it.continued next page Spot On <strong>Malaria</strong>: Guide115

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