Spots - Roll Back Malaria

Spots - Roll Back Malaria

Spots - Roll Back Malaria

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ANNEX 4: GLOSSARYSCRIPTWRITINGthe audience about acceptability, comprehension, personal relevance, attractionand persuasion.Primary audience: See target audience.Psychographics: The psychological, sociological, anthropological and lifestylecharacteristics that describe an individual or group and answer the questions:What are their attitudes and beliefs about the issue? What are their values andinterests? What are their general personality traits?Qualitative research: Research that is subjective, because it gathers informationabout feelings and impressions from small samples of respondents. Theinformation collected cannot be quantified in numerical terms, and generalizationsshould be carefully made based on the results. Qualitative research can helpunderstand why people think or act as they do.Quantitative research: Research designed to gather objective information fromrepresentative, random samples of respondents; results are expressed in numericalterms.Reach: The number (or percentage) of people (or households) who see a TVcommercial or hear a radio spot in a defined time period. For example, if a radiostation has a weekly reach of 15% of people, that means 15 people in every 100in the area population heard that station at least once in a week. A three-plusreach means the number of people have seen/heard a message three or moretimes. Same as cumulative audience.Secondary audience: A group of people with influence on the target audience orwho must do something to help create change in the target audience.Segmentation: The process of dividing a broader audience into smaller groups withsimilar characteristics.Target audience: The specific population addressed by a communication program orintervention, or a specific group or subset of a broader population, that is basedon sociodemographic, psychographic, behavioral or other factors. A targetaudience is the specific group of people your messages and/or materials areintended to reach.Cross-fade: Two sounds or musical passages are manipulated simultaneously, onebeing faded in, the other faded out.Echo: An acoustic effect that can make voices and sound effects sound like theyhave a small “echo” around them. Can be used to give emphasis to text or tocreate a certain mood.Edit: Correct, add or delete materials once they are recorded.Fade-in: Increase the sound from zero up to normal volume.Spot On <strong>Malaria</strong>: Guide155

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