2004 Mazda RX-8 Owners Manual - MyMazda

2004 Mazda RX-8 Owners Manual - MyMazda

2004 Mazda RX-8 Owners Manual - MyMazda


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J60E_8R65-EA-03C_Edition2.book Page 58 Saturday, April 26, 2003 1:48 PMDriving Your <strong>Mazda</strong>Switches and Controls7. Firmly press and release the "learn" or"smart" button. (The name and color ofthe button may vary by manufacturer.)NOTEThere are 30 seconds in which toinitiate step 8.8. Return to the vehicle and firmly press,hold for two seconds and release theprogrammed HomeLink button. Repeatthe "press/hold/release" sequence asecond time, and, depending on thebrand of the garage door opener (orother rolling code equipped device),repeat this sequence a third time tocomplete the programming process.HomeLink should now activate yourrolling code equipped device.NOTETo program the remaining twoHomeLink buttons, begin with"Programming" - step 2. Do notrepeat step 1.For questions or comments, please contactHomeLink at www.homelink.com or 1-800-355-3515.▼ Gate operator/CanadianProgrammingCanadian radio-frequency laws requiretransmitter signals to "time-out"(or quit)after several seconds of transmission -which may not be long enough forHomeLink to pick up the signal duringprogramming. Similar to this Canadianlaw, some U.S. gate operators aredesigned to "time-out" in the samemanner.If you live in Canada or you are havingdifficulties programming a gate operatorby using the "Programming" procedures(regardless of where you live), replace"Programming HomeLink" step 3 withthe following:NOTEIf programming a garage door openeror gate operator, it is advised to unplugthe device during the "cycling" processto prevent possible overheating.3. Continue to press and hold theHomeLink button while you press andrelease - every two seconds ("cycle")your hand-held transmitter until thefrequency signal has successfully beenaccepted by HomeLink. (The indicatorlight will flash slowly and thenrapidly.)Proceed with "Programming" step 4 tocomplete.5-58Form No. 8R65-EA-03C

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