2004 Mazda RX-8 Owners Manual - MyMazda

2004 Mazda RX-8 Owners Manual - MyMazda

2004 Mazda RX-8 Owners Manual - MyMazda


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J60E_8R65-EA-03C_Edition2.book Page 43 Saturday, April 26, 2003 1:48 PMMaintenance and CareAppearance Care▼ Bright-Metal Maintenance• Use tar remover to remove road tar andinsects. Never do this with a knife orsimilar tool.• To prevent corrosion on bright-metalsurfaces, apply wax or chromepreservative and rub it to a high luster.• During cold weather or in coastalareas, cover bright-metal parts with acoating of wax or preservative heavierthan usual. It would also help to coatthem with noncorrosive petroleum jellyor some other protective compound.CAUTIONDon’t use steel wool, abrasivecleaners, or strong detergentscontaining highly alkaline or causticagents on chrome-plated or anodizedaluminum parts. This may result indamage to the protective coating andcause discoloration or paintdeterioration.▼ Underbody MaintenanceRoad chemicals and salt used for ice andsnow removal and solvents used for dustcontrol may collect on the underbody. Ifnot removed, they will speed up rustingand deterioration of such underbody partsas fuel lines, frame, floor pan, and exhaustsystem, even though these parts may becoated with anti-corrosive material.Thoroughly flush the underbody andwheel housings with lukewarm or coldwater at the end of each winter. Try also todo this every month.Pay special attention to these areasbecause they easily hide mud and dirt. Itwill do more harm than good to wetdown the road grime without removingit.The lower edges of doors, rocker panels,and frame members have drain holes thatshould not be clogged. Water trappedthere will cause rusting.WARNINGDriving with Wet Brakes:Driving with wet brakes is dangerous.Increased stopping distance or thevehicle pulling to one side whenbraking could result in a seriousaccident. Light braking will indicatewhether the brakes have beenaffected. Dry the brakes by drivingvery slowly and applying the brakeslightly until brake performance isnormal.8-43Form No. 8R65-EA-03C

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