Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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490 S. Majiddirection, even though there is no time coordinate, and the new parameter μ ̸= 0appears as the freedom <strong>to</strong> change its normalisation. The partial derivatives ∂ i aredefined byand act diagonally on plane waves ask idψ(x) = (∂ i ψ)dx i + (∂ 0 ψ)∂ i = ıλ|⃗k| sin(λ| ⃗k|), ∂ 0 = ı μ λ (cos(λ| ⃗k|) − 1) = ı μ ∂2 ⃗2 + O(λ 2 ).Finally, there is a classicalisation map [4]φ(ψk ⃗ (x)) = X μ eıpμ , p 0 = cos(λ|⃗k|), p i = sin(λ| ⃗k|)k i .λ|⃗k|One can also label the noncommutative plane waves directly by p μ as we did forthe model (24.1). The map φ reproduces (24.2) by its • product and commuteswith ∂ i (but not ∂ 0 ), which means that actions such as (24.32) proposed in [3] asan effective theory for 3D <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong> essentially coincide with the NCGeffective actions such as (24.31)asin[2]. Here ∫ = ∑ j∈N ( j + 1)Tr j is the sum oftraces in the spin j/2 representation. The noncommutative action has an extra terminvolving ∂ 0 , which can be suppressed only by assuming that the 4D Hodge ∗-opera<strong>to</strong>r is degenerate. Moreover, the map φ sees only the integer spin informationin the model which is not the full NCG, see [4].Note that μ cannot be taken <strong>to</strong> be zero due <strong>to</strong> an anomaly for translation invarianceof the DGA. This anomaly forces an extra dimension much as we saw for(24.1) before. The physical meaning of this extra direction ∂ 0 from the point ofview of Euclidanized 3D <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong> is as a renormalization group flowdirection associated <strong>to</strong> blocking of the spins in the Ponzano–Regge model [4].Alternatively, one can imagine this noncommuative spacetime arising in othernonrelativistic limits of a 4D theory, with the extra ‘time’ direction x 0 adjoinedby [21] = dx 0 , [x 0 , x i ]=0, [x 0 , dx i ]=ı λ2μ dx i,[x 0 ,]=ı λ2μ and new partial derivatives ∂ μ on the extended algebra. Then the ‘stationary’condition in the new theory is dψ = O(dx i ) or ∂ 0 ψ = 0, i.e.(√ )ψ(⃗x, x 0 + ı λ2μ ) = 1 + λ 2⃗ ∂ 2 ψ(⃗x, x 0 ) (24.33)

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