Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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446 G. Amelino-CameliaFor the dispersion relation here considered one finds that at “intermediate energies”(m < E ≪ E p ) the velocity law will take the formv ≃ 1 − m22E + η n + 1 E n. (22.3)2 2 EpnOn the basis of this formula one would find that two simultaneously emitted pho<strong>to</strong>nsshould reach the detec<strong>to</strong>r at different times if they carry different energy. Andthis time-of-arrival-difference effect can be significant [10; 11] in the analysis ofshort-duration gamma-ray bursts that reach us from cosmological distances. For agamma-ray burst it is not uncommon that the time travelled before reaching ourEarth detec<strong>to</strong>rs be of order T ∼ 10 17 s. Microbursts within a burst can have veryshort duration, as short as 10 −3 s, and this means that the pho<strong>to</strong>ns that composesuch a microburst are all emitted at the same time, up <strong>to</strong> an uncertainty of 10 −3 s.Some of the pho<strong>to</strong>ns in these bursts have energies that extend at least up <strong>to</strong> theGeV range, and for two pho<strong>to</strong>ns with energy difference of order E ∼ 1GeV aE/E p speed difference over a time of travel of 10 17 s would lead <strong>to</strong> a differencein times of arrival of order t ∼ T E E p∼ 10 −2 s, which is significant (the timeof-arrivaldifferences would be larger than the time-of-emission differences withina microburst).It is well established that the sensitivities achievable [47; 48] with the next generationof gamma-ray telescopes, such as GLAST [47; 48], could allow us <strong>to</strong> testvery significantly (22.3) in the case n = 1, by possibly pushing the limit on |η|far below 1. And, while probably beyond the reach of pho<strong>to</strong>n astrophysics, for thecase n = 2 neutrino astronomy may lead <strong>to</strong> valuable insight [21; 22].Notice, however, that in some test theories it may be incorrect <strong>to</strong> combine thelimits obtained in this way with the limits obtained from the threshold analysesdiscussed above in these two different ways. As stressed above the threshold analysesrequire a test theory with certain forms of the law of energy-momentumconservation, whereas the law of energy-momentum conservation is not relevantfor the time-of-travel studies. On the other hand a test theory using thetime-of-travel analyses, in adopting v = dE/dp, should have a standard formof the Heisenberg commuta<strong>to</strong>r (so that x → ∂/∂p) and assign a standard role <strong>to</strong>the Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian (so that v ∼[x, H]).22.5.5 Synchrotron radiationAs observed recently in Ref. [49], in the mechanism that leads <strong>to</strong> the productionof synchrotron radiation a key role is played by the special-relativistic velocitylaw v = dE/dp ≃ 1 − m 2 /(2E 2 ). And an interesting observation is obtained byconsidering the velocity law (22.3) for the case n = 1. Assuming that all otheraspects of the analysis of synchrotron radiation remain unmodified at the Planck

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