Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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384 R. Gambini and J. Pullin21q 20–1–2–1 01q 1Fig. 20.2. The orbit in configuration space. As is readily seen, the consistentdiscrete approach covers the entire available configuration space. This clearlyexhibits that the approach is not a “gauge fixing”. Gauge fixed approaches cannotcover the entire configuration space due <strong>to</strong> its compact nature. The dynamicalchanges in the value of the lapse can be seen implicitly through the density ofpoints in the various regions of the trajec<strong>to</strong>ry. Also apparent is that the trajec<strong>to</strong>ryis traced on more than one occasion in various regions. Deviation from thecontinuum trajec<strong>to</strong>ry is not noticeable in the scales of the plot.To conclude this section, let us point out some hints that this model provides. Tobegin with, we see that the consistent discretization scheme successfully followsthe classical continuum trajec<strong>to</strong>ry. One has control of how accurate things are bychoosing the initial data. One can show that the approach converges using estima<strong>to</strong>rsof error that are independent of knowledge of exact solutions or other featuresgenerically not available. The solution of the equations for the Lagrange multipliersmay develop branches, and one can use this <strong>to</strong> one’s advantage in tacklingproblems where the <strong>to</strong>pology of phase space is not simple.What is the state of the art in terms of applying this approach as a classicalnumerical relativity <strong>to</strong>ol? We have applied the method in homogeneous cosmologiesand also in Gowdy cosmologies [8] where one has spatial dependence of thevariables. All of the features we have seen in the model described in this sectionare present in the more complicated models, the only difference is computationalcomplexity. How well does it compete with more traditional numerical relativityapproaches? At the moment the method is <strong>to</strong>o costly <strong>to</strong> compete well, since theevolution equations are implicit. But as traditional “free evolution” methods in

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