Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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238 T. ThiemannNotice that in general the functions f will be unbounded on M and thus will bepromoted <strong>to</strong> unbounded opera<strong>to</strong>rs later on, which will raise inconvenient domain questions.One could use bounded functions instead but this usually comes at the price ofcomplicating the Poisson relations and thus the representation theory of A. An exceptionis when P is a real Poisson Lie algebra in which case we can pass <strong>to</strong> the uniqueassociated Weyl C ∗ -algebra generated by unitary opera<strong>to</strong>rs in any representation.III. Representation theory of A.The next step is the choice of a representation π of the elements a of A by (unbounded)opera<strong>to</strong>rs π(a) on a Hilbert space H. We will not enter in<strong>to</strong> the discussion of themost general representation but describe an important and large subclass arising frompositive linear functionals ω on the ∗ −algebra A, that is, ω(a ∗ a) ≥ 0 for all a ∈ A.The associated, so-called GNS representation is constructed as follows. Consider theset I ω := {a ∈ A; ω(a ∗ a) = 0}. One can show that this defines a left ideal andtherefore the natural operations [a]+[b] :=[a + b], [a]·[b] :=[a · b] on the classes[a] :={a + b, b ∈ I ω } are well defined. We define ω := [1] and π ω (a) := [a].TheHilbert space H ω is the completion of the vec<strong>to</strong>r space A/I ω in the following innerproduct< [a], [b] >=< π ω (a) ω ,π ω (b) ω >:= ω(a ∗ b). (13.3)Notice the double role of A as a Hilbert space and as a space of opera<strong>to</strong>rs. The vec<strong>to</strong>r ω is au<strong>to</strong>matically cyclic in this representation and obviously there are no domainquestions: all opera<strong>to</strong>rs are densely defined on the dense subspace A/I ω . The GNSdata (π ω , H ω , ω ) are uniquely determined by ω up <strong>to</strong> unitary equivalence.The choice of ω is again far from unique and will be guided by physical input. Forinstance, it may be true that a subset of the constraints generates a Poisson Lie groupG. One then has a natural action of G on P via f ↦→ α g ( f ) where α g denotesthe Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian flow corresponding <strong>to</strong> g ∈ G. For instance in the case of the freeMaxwell field∫α g ( f ) = exp({ d 3 x∂ a E a ,.}) · f, (13.4)where g = exp(i) is a local U(1) gauge transformation and E denotes the electricfield. The action α is obviously a Poisson au<strong>to</strong>morphism and extends <strong>to</strong> Avia α g (( f 1 , .., f n )) := (α g ( f 1 ), .., α g ( f n )). In this situation it is natural <strong>to</strong> lookfor states ω which are G-invariant, that is ω ◦ α g = ω for all g ∈ G becausethe following representation of the gauge group G on H ω is au<strong>to</strong>matically unitary:U ω (g)π ω (a) ω := π ω (a) ω .Further criteria are the irreducibility of the representation. All we know is that thevec<strong>to</strong>r ω is cyclic. Irreducibility means that all vec<strong>to</strong>rs are cyclic. If a representationis not irreducible then the Hilbert space is a direct sum of irreducible subspaces andno observables exist which map between these sec<strong>to</strong>rs, they are superselected. Hencethe physically interesting information is realised already in one of those sec<strong>to</strong>rs.

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