Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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284 A. PerezHere we studied the interpretation of the spin foam representation in the precisecontext of our <strong>to</strong>y example; however, the validity of the conclusion is of generalcharacter and holds true in the case of physical interest four dimensional LQG.Although, the quantum numbers labelling the spin foam configurations correspond<strong>to</strong> eigenvalues of kinematical geometric quantities such as length (in 2 + 1) or area(in 3 + 1) LQG, their physical meaning and measurability depend on dynamicalconsiderations (for instance the naive interpretation of the spins in 2 + 1 gravity asquanta of physical length is shown here <strong>to</strong> be of no physical relevance). Quantitativenotions such as time, or distance as well as qualitative statements about causalstructure or time ordering are misleading (at best) if they are naively constructed interms of notions arising from an interpretation of spin foams as quantum spacetimeconfigurations. 515.4 Spin foam models in four dimensionsWe have studied 2 + 1 gravity in order <strong>to</strong> introduce the qualitative features of thespin foam representation in a precise setting. Now we discuss some of the ideasthat are pursued for the physical case of 3 + 1 LQG.Spin foam representation of canonical LQGThere is no complete construction of the physical inner product of LQG in fourdimensions. The spin foam representation as a device for its definition was originallyintroduced in the canonical formulation by Rovelli [2]. In four-dimensionalLQG difficulties in understanding dynamics are centered around understandingthe space of solutions of the quantum scalar constraint Ŝ (see Chapter 13 byThiemann). The physical inner product formally becomes〈 〉 ∫〈∞∑⎡ ⎤n〉Ps, s′diff = i nD[N] ⎣∫N(x)Ŝ(x) ⎦s, s ′ , (15.18)n!n=0diffwhere 〈 , 〉 diff denotes the inner product in the Hilbert space of diff-invariant states,and the exponential in (the field theoretical analog of) (15.1) has been expanded inpowers.Smooth loop states are naturally annihilated by Ŝ (independently of any quantizationambiguity [9; 10]). Consequently, Ŝ acts only on spin network nodes.Generically, it does so by creating new links and nodes modifying the underlyinggraph of the spin network states (Fig. 15.11).5 The discussion of this section is a direct consequence of Dirac’s perspective applied <strong>to</strong> the spin foamrepresentation.

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