Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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394 J. Hensonall the other subjects covered, and new results, which solve this problem in somesituations for the first time, are mentioned.Besides the present work, there are many other reviews available. One of themost recent is [5], while motivation and earlier work is covered in [2; 3; 4]. Aphilosophically oriented account of the conception of the causal set idea is givenin [6], and there is a recent review which introduces some of the core concepts ofcausal set kinematics and dynamics [7]. Many of these articles, and other causalset resources, are most easily found at Rafael Sorkin’s web site [8].21.1 The causal set approachThis program is a development of “path-integral” or sum-over-his<strong>to</strong>ries (SOH) typeapproaches (for reasons <strong>to</strong> adopt this framework in <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong>, see [9; 10]).In such approaches, a space of his<strong>to</strong>ries is given, and an amplitude (or more generallya quantum measure), is assigned <strong>to</strong> sets of these his<strong>to</strong>ries, defining a quantumtheory in analogy with Feynman’s path integrals. A basic question, then, is whatthe space of his<strong>to</strong>ries should be for <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong>. Should they be the continuousLorentzian manifolds of general relativity – or some discrete structure <strong>to</strong> whichthe manifold is only an approximation?21.1.1 Arguments for spacetime discretenessA number of clues from our present theories of physics point <strong>to</strong>wards discreteness.The problematic infinities of general relativity and quantum field theory arecaused by the lack of a short distance cut-off in degrees of freedom; although therenormalisation procedure ameliorates the problems in QFT, they return in naiveattempts <strong>to</strong> quantise gravity (see [11] and references therein). Secondly, technicalproblems arise in the definition of a path-integral on a continuous his<strong>to</strong>ryspace that have never been fully resolved. On <strong>to</strong>p of this, the his<strong>to</strong>ry space ofLorentzian manifolds presents special problems of its own [12]. A discrete his<strong>to</strong>ryspace provides a well defined path integral, or rather a sum, that avoids theseproblems.Perhaps the most persuasive argument comes from the finiteness of black holeentropy. With no short-distance cut-off, the so called “entanglement entropy” ofquantum fields (the entropy obtained when field values inside a horizon are tracedout) seems <strong>to</strong> be infinite (see [13; 14], and [15; 16] for some debate). If this entropyis indeed included in the black hole entropy, as many expect, a short distance cut-offof order the Planck scale must be introduced <strong>to</strong> allow agreement with the wellknownsemiclassical results. This, and similar analysis of the shape degrees offreedom of the black hole horizon [17; 18] lead <strong>to</strong> the conclusion that Planck scale

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