Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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4Prolegomena <strong>to</strong> any future <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong>J. STACHEL4.1 Introduction“Prolegomena” means “preliminary observations,” and my title is meant <strong>to</strong> recallKant’s celebrated Prolegomena <strong>to</strong> Any Future Metaphysics That Can Claim <strong>to</strong> bea Science. My words, like his:are not supposed <strong>to</strong> serve as the exposition of an already-existing science, but <strong>to</strong> help inthe invention of the science itself in the first place.To use another Kantian phrase, I shall discuss some “conditions of possibility” of aquantum theory of gravity, stressing the need for solutions <strong>to</strong> certain fundamentalproblems confronting any attempt <strong>to</strong> apply some method of quantization <strong>to</strong> the fieldequations of General Relativity (GR). Not for lack of interest but lack of spacetime(S-T), other approaches <strong>to</strong> <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong> (QG) are not discussed here (butsee [35]).4.1.1 Background dependence versus background independenceThe first problem is the tension between “method of quantization” and “field equationsof GR”. The methods of quantization of pre-general-relativistic theories 1have been based on the existence of some fixed S-T structure(s), needed bothfor the development of the formalism and – equally importantly – for its physicalinterpretation. This S-T structure provides a fixed kinematical background fordynamical theories: the equations for particle or fields must be invariant under allau<strong>to</strong>morphisms of the S-T symmetry group. GR theory, on the other hand, is abackground-independent theory, without any fixed, non-dynamical S-T structures.1 In particular, non-relativistic <strong>Quantum</strong> Mechanics (QM) based on Galilei–New<strong>to</strong>nian S-T, special-relativistic<strong>Quantum</strong> Field Theory based on Minkowski S-T, and <strong>Quantum</strong> Field Theories in non-flat Riemannian S-Ts.But see [30] for a discussion of <strong>to</strong>pological QFT.<strong>Approaches</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong>: Toward a New Understanding of Space, Time and Matter, ed. Daniele Oriti.Published by Cambridge University Press. c○ Cambridge University Press 2009.

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