Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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Questions and answers 157<strong>to</strong> hold), these considerations force us <strong>to</strong> replace the underlying manifold bysomething rather like a <strong>to</strong>pos. The categorical structure of a causal site couldaccommodate that.On the other hand, if a subregion in one metric appeared <strong>to</strong> be insidea larger subregion of another <strong>to</strong> all observers, we could consider it <strong>to</strong> becontained.This picture leads <strong>to</strong> a causal site in which the ratio of numbers of regionsof different sizes could be quite different from the usual scaling property ina manifold. Perhaps <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong> leads <strong>to</strong> dimensional regularization atlower energies as well as a Planck scale cu<strong>to</strong>ff. <strong>Quantum</strong> Field Theory wouldinclude contributions from Feynman diagrams with vertices in positions notsimultaneously meaningful.I think adhering <strong>to</strong> the traditional picture of an absolute backgroundmanifold in analysing this experiment would be very awkward. It would benecessary <strong>to</strong> pick some arbitrary correspondence between the observed spacetimeregions corresponding <strong>to</strong> each pair of classical metrics supported bythe quantum state. These correspondences would not affect the result of anyexperiment. Einstein’s principle suggests we discard them.• Q-D.Oriti-<strong>to</strong>O.Dreyer:1. If I understand correctly, in Volovik’s approach the non-zero mass of theeffective gravi<strong>to</strong>n and the failure <strong>to</strong> achieve full general covariance is the result,in the end, of the non-relativistic nature of the fundamental system he deals with,i.e. the fermionic gas/liquid; can you please clarify how exactly the presence ofa background absolute time in the fundamental system is associated <strong>to</strong> this lackof general covariance in the effective theory? Also, it seems <strong>to</strong> me that Volovik’sapproach relies on a fundamental time variable only because of the specificchoice of the physical system (here a non-relativistic and background dependen<strong>to</strong>ne) whose effective dynamics one studies, but that his general idea of spacetimeand General Relativity as emerging from some sort of condensed mattersystem in a specific phase does not really depend on this. If this is true, then hisapproach and ideas could be applied <strong>to</strong> fully background independent systemslike for example matrix models and group field theories where one could hopeof not ending up with any failure of general covariance in the condensed phase.What is your opinion on this?2. In your contribution, you didn’t mention explicitly the idea by Ted Jacobsonof the “Einstein’s equations as an equation of state”, that seems <strong>to</strong> me verymuch related <strong>to</strong> the type of ideas you nicely reviewed. Where would it fit withinyour scheme of “emergent gravity” approaches?3. What is the role of the background time or temperature (in a statisticalmechanics setting) of the spin system in your ’Internal Relativity’ model? It

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