Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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Does locality fail at intermediate length scales? 27empty space could also resist the passage of particles (a viscosity of the vacuum),since there would now be a state of absolute rest. Moreover, reference [8] hasargued convincingly that it would be difficult <strong>to</strong> avoid O(1) renormalization effectsthat would lead <strong>to</strong> different quantum fields possessing different effective lightcones. Along these lines, one might end up with al<strong>to</strong>gether more phenomenologythan one had bargained for.As already mentioned, the causal set hypothesis avoids such difficulties, but inorder <strong>to</strong> do so, it has <strong>to</strong> posit a kinematic randomness, in the sense that a spacetime 1M may properly correspond only <strong>to</strong> causets C that could have been produced by aPoisson process in M. With respect <strong>to</strong> an approximating spacetime M, the causetthus functions as a kind of “random lattice”. Moreover, the infinite volume of theLorentz group implies that such a “lattice” cannot be home <strong>to</strong> a local dynamics.Rather the “couplings” or “interactions” that describe physical processes occurringin the causet are – of necessity – radically nonlocal.To appreciate why this must be, let us refer <strong>to</strong> the process that will be the subjec<strong>to</strong>f much of the rest of this chapter: propagation of a scalar field φ on a backgroundcauset C that is well approximated by a Minkowski spacetime M = M d .To describe such a dynamics, one needs <strong>to</strong> reproduce within C something like thed’Alembertian opera<strong>to</strong>r , the Lorentzian counterpart of the Laplacian opera<strong>to</strong>r∇ 2 of Euclidean space E 3 . Locality in the discrete context, if it meant anythingat all, would imply that the action of would be built up in terms of “nearestneighbor couplings” (as in fact ∇ 2 can be built up, on either a crystalline or randomlattice in E 3 ). But Lorentz invariance contradicts this sort of locality becauseit implies that, no matter how one chooses <strong>to</strong> define nearest neighbor, any givencauset element e ∈ C will possess an immense number of them extending throughoutthe region of C corresponding <strong>to</strong> the light cone of e in M.IntermsofaPoissonprocess in M we can express this more precisely by saying that the probability ofany given element e possessing a limited number of nearest neighbors is vanishinglysmall. Thus, the other elements <strong>to</strong> which e must be “coupled” by our boxopera<strong>to</strong>r will be large in number (in the limit infinite), and in any given frame ofreference, the vast majority of them will be remote from e. The resulting “action ata distance” epi<strong>to</strong>mizes the maxim that discreteness plus Lorentz invariance entailsnonlocality.If this reasoning is correct, it implies that physics at the Planck scale must beradically nonlocal. (By Planck scale I just mean the fundamental length scale orvolume scale associated with the causet or other discrete substratum.) Were it <strong>to</strong>be confined <strong>to</strong> the Planck scale, however, this nonlocality would be of limited phenomenologicalinterest despite its deep significance for the underlying theory. But1 In this chapter, “spacetime” will always mean Lorentzian manifold, in particular a continuum.

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