Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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Covariant loop quantum gravity? 259variables. Following [12], we do not modify the triad R but we look for a newconnection A satisfying the following natural criteria.• A must be a Lorentz connection i.e. it should behave correctly under the Gauss law G:{G(), A X a } D = ∂ a X −[, A a ] X = ∂ a X − f XYZ Y A Z a . (14.10)• A must be a 1-form and therefore properly transform under spatial diffeomorphisms:{D( ⃗N), A} D = A X b ∂ a N b − N b ∂ a A X b . (14.11)• A must be conjugated <strong>to</strong> the triad R. This is required in order that the area opera<strong>to</strong>rsArea S ∼ ∫ √S d2 x n a n b R a X RbX (with n a the normal <strong>to</strong> the surface S) be diagonalizedin the spin network basis resulting from a loop quantization. This condition reads:{A X a (x), Rb Y (y)} D ∝ δ b a δ(3) (x, y). (14.12)We obtain a 2-parameter family of such connections A(λ, μ) [12]:withA X a (λ, μ) = AX a + 1 2 (γ + λ − μ⋆) P Rφ(γ − ⋆)1 + γ 2 [B a , G] X+(λ + (1 − μ)⋆) ( P R ⋆ A X a + X a (R)) , (14.13)(a X (R) = X a (χ) = − ɛijk χ j ∂ a χ k ∂ a χ i ), .1 − χ 2 1 − χ 2Their commutation relation with the triad are very simple:{A X a (λ, μ), Bb Y } D = δ b a [(μ − λ⋆) P B] X Y (14.14){A X a (λ, μ), P B} D ={A X a (λ, μ), χ} D = 0. (14.15)Despite this, the bracket {A, A} D remains complicated. From there, the loop quantizationchooses functions of A (Wilson loops and spin networks) as wave functionsand raises the triads B, R <strong>to</strong> derivation opera<strong>to</strong>rs. Each connection A(λ, μ) willlead <strong>to</strong> a non-equivalent quantization. We can then compute the action of an areaopera<strong>to</strong>r on a A(λ, μ) Wilson line and we find [12; 13]:√Area S ∼ l 2 P (λ 2 + μ 2 )C(su(2) χ ) − μ 2 C 1 (sl(2, C)) + λμC 2 (sl(2, C)),where C(su(2) χ ) = ⃗J · ⃗J is the Casimir opera<strong>to</strong>r of su(2) χ (stabilizing the vec<strong>to</strong>rχ), C 1 (sl(2, C)) = T X T X = ⃗J 2 − ⃗K 2 and C 2 (sl(2, C)) = (⋆T ) X T Y = ⃗J · ⃗Kare the two (quadratic) Casimirs of sl(2, C). Since the algebra su(2) enters theformula, one could think at first that this area spectrum is not Lorentz invariant.However, one must not forget that χ enters the formula and gets rotated underLorentz transformations. Thus we see two alternatives.

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