Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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206 T. Banksit has given us a construction of these models as quantum field theories on theconformal boundary of space-time. Remarkably, all the asymp<strong>to</strong>tically flat modelsare exactly supersymmetric, and all the well unders<strong>to</strong>od AdS models with curvaturesmall enough for the SUGRA approximation <strong>to</strong> be valid have SUSY res<strong>to</strong>redasymp<strong>to</strong>tically on the boundary of space-time. All these models are holographic inthat they describe space-time in terms of variables defined on a holographic screenat infinity.More realistic models of <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong>, which take in<strong>to</strong> account cosmology,need a more flexible and local version of holography. General arguments show thatthe underlying variables of such a local formulation cannot be gauge invariant. Idescribed a proposal for a general quantum space-time as a network of Hilbertspaces and evolution opera<strong>to</strong>rs. Each Hilbert space was <strong>to</strong> be thought of as therepresentation of physics in a particular causal diamond in space-time. The holographicprinciple is implemented by relating the dimension of the Hilbert space <strong>to</strong>the area of the holographic screen of the causal diamond. This was made more preciseby describing the opera<strong>to</strong>r algebra in terms of opera<strong>to</strong>rs representing pixels ofthe holographic screen. The Cartan–Penrose equation leads <strong>to</strong> a description of thesevariables as elements of the SO(d−2) spinor bundle over the screen, where d is thespace-time dimension encoded in the <strong>to</strong>pology of the network of Hilbert spaces.We saw that quantization of these spinor variables identified the states of a pixelas the states of a massless super-particle. Compact dimensions of space could beincorporated by enlarging the algebra of spinor opera<strong>to</strong>rs at each pixel <strong>to</strong> includecentral charges corresponding <strong>to</strong> Kaluza–Klein momenta, or brane wrapping numberson <strong>to</strong>pological cycles of the internal manifold. This is precisely the dataabout compact geometry that is invariant under <strong>to</strong>pology changing string dualities.Thus, the holographic formulation provides a rationale for not just gravity, butsupergravity, as the natural outcome of quantum geometry.The holographic formulation of <strong>Quantum</strong> <strong>Gravity</strong> provided an explicit model ofa quantum system corresponding <strong>to</strong> a classical cosmology: a flat FRW universewith equation of state p = ρ. This universe saturates the holographic entropybound at all times. It has a heuristic description as a dense black hole fluid, anddoes not resemble our universe. An heuristic description of our own universe as acollection of defects in the p = ρ background, maximizing the entropy subject <strong>to</strong>the constraints of the existence of observers (in a fairly well-defined mathematicalsense) seems <strong>to</strong> account for many facts about cosmology. It also leads <strong>to</strong> the predictionthat the universe is future asymp<strong>to</strong>tically de Sitter, with a de Sitter radiusas small as permitted by environmental constraints like the existence of galaxies.I also described the beginnings of a holographic theory of eternal de Sitter space,which might be the appropriate arena for discussing non-cosmological particlephysics. I proposed tentative identifications of black hole, and particle states in

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