Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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512 F. GirelliThe discussion can be made more precise when addressed in the Hamil<strong>to</strong>nianformalism. GR is an example of a constrained theory: there is a set of first classconstraints that encode the diffeomorphism symmetry. 1 Observable quantities arefunctions on phase space that commute with the constraints. It is pretty hard <strong>to</strong>construct a general complete set of observables. However, taking advantage of thefact that physics should be relational allowed us <strong>to</strong> construct a large set of suchobservables [13].To simplify the analysis let us consider the relativistic free particle: in this case,we have time reparametrization invariance, encoded in the mass shell constraintH = p 2 − m 2 = 0. It is easy <strong>to</strong> construct the algebra of observables: it is given bythe Poincaré algebra {J μν , p μ }. This set of observables does not include the importantnotion of position. To define this concept, we need <strong>to</strong> introduce the followingRovelli terminology of a partial observable 2 b(τ) as a clock. A natural observable 3is then the value of another partial observable a(τ) when b(τ) is T . If separately aand b are not observable, since not commuting with the mass shell constraint, thequantity∫a(b −1 (T )) = dτa(τ)ḃ(τ)δ (b(τ) − T ) (26.1)is clearly time reparametrization invariant, and therefore observable. For example,if we take b <strong>to</strong> be x 0 ,anda <strong>to</strong> be x i , we obtain the trajec<strong>to</strong>ries of the relativisticparticle in terms of the time x 0 :x μ (T ) = x μ + p μ(x 0 − T ).p 0Notice that of course this observable can be constructed from the Poincaréalgebra [14].In the language of constrained mechanics, b(τ) = T is a gauge fixing, or asecond class constraint. From the physics point of view, the degree of freedom b isthe reference frame. Obviously there is the issue of the invertibility of b. In generalthe choice of clock might not lead <strong>to</strong> a function which is invertible everywhere.This means that the clock ceased <strong>to</strong> be a good clock. This issue has <strong>to</strong> be studiedin a case per case analysis.Introducing second class constraints means that we can reduce the phase space<strong>to</strong> obtain the physical phase space. The reduced symplectic form is called the Diracbracket, and is not in general identical <strong>to</strong> the canonical Poisson bracket. This leads<strong>to</strong> complications when one wants <strong>to</strong> quantize such system.1 There might be more constraints according <strong>to</strong> the choice of variables. For example, if using the pair (tetrad,connection), there is also the Gauss law.2 Let be f a function on phase space, not commuting with the first class constraint H, then we define f (τ) =e τ{H,.} f .3 That is the outcome of a measurement or, according <strong>to</strong> Rovelli, a complete observable [12].

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