Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Approaches to Quantum Gravity

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202 T. Banksof the dS–Schwarzschild metric with the P 0 eigenvalue. Of course, extant quantumfield theory calculations which demonstrate that we have a thermal ensemble ofordinary energies in de Sitter space, refer only <strong>to</strong> energies much smaller than themaximal black hole mass. We are led <strong>to</strong> conjecture the above relation between theentropy deficit (relative <strong>to</strong> the vacuum) of a p 0 eigenspace, and the eigenvalue, only<strong>to</strong> leading order in the ratio of the black hole mass <strong>to</strong> the Nariai mass. Remarkably,this prediction is valid [26]!It is easy <strong>to</strong> construct a Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian out of the fermionic pixel opera<strong>to</strong>rs introducedabove, which reproduces the spectrum of black holes in dS space. One worksin the approximation where the vacuum eigenstates are all exactly degenerate, sothat black holes are stable. The vacuum density matrix is just the unit matrix.Black hole states are simply states in which we break the fermionic matrix ψiAin<strong>to</strong> four blocks, and insist that ψm D |BH〉=0, for matrix elements in the loweroff diagonal block. A clumsy but explicit formula for the Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian P 0 can beconstructed [26].Some insight in<strong>to</strong> the Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian P 0 is gained by remembering that globalsymmetry genera<strong>to</strong>rs in General Relativity are defined on space-like or null boundaries.The way in which dS space converges <strong>to</strong> Minkowski space is that the causaldiamond of a single observer approaches the full Minkowski geometry. The futureand past cosmological horizons of the observer converge <strong>to</strong> future and past infinityin asymp<strong>to</strong>tically flat space. Our basic proposal for the definition of observables inde Sitter space [27] is that there is an approximate S-matrix, S R which, as R →∞,approaches the S-matrix of asymp<strong>to</strong>tically flat space. S R refers only <strong>to</strong> localizableprocesses in a single horizon volume. As in any such limiting situation, we mayexpect that S R is not unique, and it is important <strong>to</strong> understand what aspects of itare universal for large R. We will argue later that for scattering processes whosecenter of mass energy is fixed as R →∞, the non-universal features may fall offlike e −(RM P ) 3/2 .The geometry of the future cosmological horizon is the v → 0 limit of:ds 2 = R 2 (−dudv + d 2 ),and the static Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian is associated with the Killing vec<strong>to</strong>r(u∂ u − v∂ v ).Here, d 2 is the round metric on the 2-sphere. By contrast, future infinity inasymp<strong>to</strong>tically flat space, is the v → 0 limit ofds 2 =−dudv + d2v 2 .

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