Final Facilitator Guide - EngenderHealth

Final Facilitator Guide - EngenderHealth

Final Facilitator Guide - EngenderHealth


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe acknowledge with gratitude Andrew Levack, <strong>EngenderHealth</strong> primary writerof the manual assisted by Dr. Vijayabhaskar Reddy Kandula and Geetha Venugopal.Our special appreciations are due to Charlotte Storti for her detailed editorial reviewof the English version of the curriculum.The manual follows National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and World HealthOrganization (WHO) guidelines on HIV treatment and its contents are adaptedfrom WHO’s Integrated Management of Adult Illnesses for HIVTreatment - WHO Basic ART Clinical Training Course 2004. Weacknowledge WHO for allowing us to adapt the IMAI Manual and their continuedsupport during the curriculum development process.We thank Family Health International for allowing us to use concepts andillustrations from the ‘ART Basics Flip Chart’ and ‘ART Side Effects Flip Chart’developed by them. We thank the International Training and Education Centreon HIV (ITECH) for allowing us to use concepts and illustrations from theirbrochures ‘Tips for ART Adherence’ and ‘HIV and ART’ in some sessions.A series of three consultative workshops were conducted for assessing trainingneeds in August 2005 by <strong>EngenderHealth</strong> Society in consultation withAnjali Gopalan and her team from Naz Foundation, we acknowledge theircontribution in content development. We appreciate the participation and inputsof representatives from Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society (TNSACS),Karnataka State AIDS Control Society (KSACS), Andhra Pradesh State AIDS ControlSociety (APSACS), Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), NagalandState AIDS Control Society (NSACS), Manipur State AIDS Control Society (MSACS),Mumbai Districts AIDS Control Societies (MDACS) and NGOs from the GFATMACT project states in content development.<strong>EngenderHealth</strong> Society gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the partnerorganizations of Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)iii

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