The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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╭ chapter five

who left his palace to find a way to lead the world beyond suffering

and death. He became a wandering sannyasi, a lonely,

austere monk. Only after he had attained to complete enlightenment

did he return to society, to teach others of the peace

of nirvana.

Though Krishna acknowledges here that this way of sannyasa

can lead to the goal, he recommends the path of selfless

action or selfless service as the better way. He contrasts

the way of Sankhya – which in this context means knowledge

of the Self in a general way – to the way of yoga, which here

means the way of action. This term yoga presents difficulties

in the Gita because it means different things at different times,

and many definitions are given of this all-purpose term. But

for several chapters the topic under discussion has been the

active spiritual life, or karma yoga, and that is clearly what is

meant in this context. Sankhya and yoga might also be translated

as “theory and practice.”

It would seem that at the time of the Gita the path of wisdom

was regarded very highly, while the path of action may

have been looked upon as an adulteration of the spiritual life.

It is even possible that the Gita was the first Hindu scripture

to introduce the novel idea of combining karma yoga with the

pursuit of Self-knowledge. Krishna says that only immature,

inexperienced people look upon the paths of knowledge and

action as different. The true goal of action is knowledge of the

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