The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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╭ chapter six

appropriate place to meditate. A suitable spot for his practice

will be clean and comfortable. In a nod to tradition, one verse

recommends the meditation seat be covered with kusha grass

and a deerskin – the traditional seat of the yogi. The important

thing, however, is not how the meditation seat is made,

but what is going on in the mind. Meditation is an internal

discipline to make the mind one-pointed, absolutely concentrated.

Second, Krishna instructs Arjuna to hold the body, head,

and neck in a straight line. This may seem esoteric – a reference

to the contortion-school of yoga – but it has a practical

purpose. Sitting absolutely straight, with the spinal column

erect, prevents drowsiness. Also, in advanced stages of meditation,

it allows for the free flow of vital energy or kundalini

(see glossary).

Then practical advice is given: moderation is the path.

Neither extreme asceticism nor indulgence will aid meditation.

An initial acquaintance with Hindu culture may give the

impression that it fosters either the sensuality of the Kama

Sutra or the asceticism of the hermit. It is true that in Indian

civilization we can easily see the development of the sensual

and artistic in many manifestations – in painting, sculpture,

music, and dance. And Indian cuisine is famous for its variety

of flavors and spices. India also presents us with the austere

simplicity of the wandering holy man or sadhu . The Gita,

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