The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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╭ introduction

Western philosophers have reasoned their way to a similar

conclusion, but with them it was an intellectual exercise.

David Hume confesses that whenever he was forced to conclude

that his empirical ego was insubstantial, he went out for

a walk, had a good dinner, and forgot all about it. For these

ancient sages, however, these were not logical conclusions but

personal discoveries. They were actually exploring the mind,

testing each level of awareness by withdrawing consciousness

to the level below. In profound meditation, they found, when

consciousness is so acutely focused that it is utterly withdrawn

from the body and mind, it enters a kind of singularity

in which the sense of a separate ego disappears. In this state,

the supreme climax of meditation, the seers discovered a core

of consciousness beyond time and change. They called it simply

Atman, the Self.

I have described the discovery of Atman and Brahman

– God immanent and God transcendent – as separate, but

there is no real distinction. In the climax of meditation, the

sages discovered unity : the same indivisible reality without

and within. It was advaita, “not two.” The Chandogya Upanishad

says epigrammatically, Tat tvam asi : “Thou art That.”

Atman is Brahman: the Self in each person is not different

from the Godhead.

Nor is it different from person to person. The Self is one,

the same in every creature. This is not some peculiar tenet of

the Hindu scriptures; it is the testimony of everyone who has

╭ 26

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