The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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Divine Splendor ╯


I was born from the nectar of immortality

as the primordial horse and as Indra’s noble

elephant. Among human beings, I am the king.


Among weapons I am the thunderbolt.

I am Kamadhuk, the cow that fulfills all

desires; I am Kandarpa, the power of sex,

and Vasuki, the king of snakes.


I am Ananta, the cosmic serpent, and Varuna,

the god of water; I am Aryaman among the

noble ancestors. Among the forces which

restrain I am Yama, the god of death.


Among animals I am the lion; among birds, the

eagle Garuda. I am Prahlada, born among the

demons, and of all that measures, I am time.


Among purifying forces I am the wind; among

warriors, Rama. Of water creatures I am the

crocodile, and of rivers I am the Ganges.


I am the beginning, middle, and end of creation.

Of all the sciences I am the science of Selfknowledge,

and I am logic in those who debate.


Among letters I am A ; among grammatical

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