The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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Freedom & Renunciation ╯


Yet even these, Arjuna, should be performed

without desire for selfish rewards. This is essential.


To renounce one’s responsibilities is not fitting.

The wise call such deluded renunciation tamasic.


To avoid action from fear of difficulty or physical

discomfort is rajasic. There is no reward in such

renunciation. 9 But to fulfill your responsibilities

knowing that they are obligatory, while at the same

time desiring nothing for yourself – this is sattvic

renunciation. 10 Those endowed with sattva clearly

understand the meaning of renunciation and do

not waver. They are not intimidated by unpleasant

work, nor do they seek a job because it is pleasant.


As long as one has a body, one cannot renounce

action altogether. True renunciation is giving up all

desire for personal reward. 12 Those who are attached

to personal reward will reap the consequences of

their actions: some pleasant, some unpleasant, some

mixed. But those who renounce every desire for

personal reward go beyond the reach of karma.


Listen, Arjuna, and I will explain the five elements

necessary for the accomplishment of every action,

as taught by the wisdom of Sankhya. 14 The body,

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