The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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Divine Splendor ╯


Now, O Krishna, I believe that everything you

have told me is divine truth. O Lord, neither gods

nor demons know your real nature. 15 Indeed,

you alone know yourself, O supreme spirit. You

are the source of being and the master of every

creature, God of gods, the Lord of the universe.


Tell me all your divine attributes, leaving

nothing unsaid. Tell me of the glories with which

you fill the cosmos. 17 Krishna, you are a supreme

master of yoga. Tell me how I should meditate

to gain constant awareness of you. In what things

and in what ways should I meditate on you?


O Krishna, you who stir up people’s hearts,

tell me in detail your attributes and your powers;

I can never tire of hearing your immortal words.



All right, Arjuna, I will tell you of my

divine powers. I will mention only the most

glorious; for there is no end to them.


I am the true Self in the heart of every

creature, Arjuna, and the beginning,

middle, and end of their existence.

185 ╯

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