The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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╭ introduction

In the still mind, in the depths of meditation, the Self

reveals itself. Beholding the Self by means of the Self, an

aspirant knows the joy and peace of complete fulfillment.



The Gita does not present a system of philosophy.

It offers something to every seeker after God, of whatever

temperament, by whatever path. The reason for this universal

appeal is that it is basically practical: it is a handbook for Selfrealization

and a guide to action.

Some scholars will find practicality a tall claim, because

the Gita is full of lofty and even abstruse philosophy. Yet even

its philosophy is not there to satisfy intellectual curiosity; it

is meant to explain to spiritual aspirants why they are asked

to undergo certain disciplines. Like any handbook, the Gita

makes most sense when it is practiced.

As the traditional chapter titles put it, the Gita is brahmavidyayam

yogashastra, a textbook on the supreme science of

yoga. But yoga is a word with many meanings – as many, perhaps,

as there are paths to Self-realization. What kind of yoga

does the Gita teach?

The common answer is that it presents three yogas or even

four – the four main paths of Hindu mysticism. In jnana yoga,

the yoga of knowledge, aspirants use their will and discrimination

to disidentify themselves from the body, mind, and

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