The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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╭ chapter eight

life departs: and when life departs, all other vital forces

depart after it. He is conscious, and with consciousness he

leaves the body. Then his knowledge and his works and his

previous impressions go along with him. (Brihadaranyaka

Upanishad iv.4.1–2)

First consciousness is withdrawn from the senses. The

dying no longer hear or see what is going on around them.

They are still conscious, but the “light” of consciousness has

been withdrawn from the senses, here called the “gates” of

the body. There are said to be nine such gates: two eyes, two

nostrils, two ears, the mouth, and the organs of generation

and excretion. Sometimes two more are added: the navel and

the sagittal suture, located at the top of the skull and called in

Sanskrit brahmarandhra, “the aperture of Brahman.”

When consciousness has been withdrawn from these gates,

Krishna says, “the mind is placed [“locked up”] in the heart.”

(8:12) Here, as in Christian mysticism, it is the heart and not

the head that is taken to be the home of the soul. Probably

what is meant is the heart chakra, the center of consciousness

corresponding to the center of the chest. Prana (vital energy)

and awareness have been withdrawn from the outer frontiers

of personality and consolidated within. At this stage of the

death process an ordinary person has no access to the will; but

it is just here that prana, with conscious awareness, must be

made to move upwards to the head. If prana leaves the body

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