The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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╭ glossary

savikalpa samādhi [ sa-vikalpa “having distinctions” or “admitting

separateness”] Samādhi in which some duality of subject

and object remains, the devotee being absorbed in

meditation without becoming completely identified

with the object of contemplation; union with the personal


Shakti Power; God’s feminine aspect; the Divine Mother.

shama Peace; the peace of deep meditation.

Shankara “Giver of peace,” a name of Shiva.

Shiva The third person of the Hindu Trinity, the other two being

Brahmā, the Creator, and Vishnu, the Preserver. Shiva

destroys, but he also conquers death.

shraddhā Faith.

shūdra The fourth Hindu caste; a worker or servant.

Skanda A god of war, the son of Shiva; general of the divine forces

when they go into battle against the demons.

soma A drink used in Vedic ritual; the drink of the gods.

Srī [pronounced shrī ] A title of respect originally meaning

“auspicious” or “holy.”

svadharma The duty appropriate to a particular person, one’s own

individual dharma.

tamas See under guna .

tapas Austerity, control of the senses; the spiritual power acquired

through self-control.

tyāga Renunciation.

Upanishads Ancient mystical documents found at the end of each

of the four Vedas.

Ushanas A sage and poet who appears in the Vedas.

varna Caste or class.

Varuna God of waters and the ocean; in the Vedas, the moral overseer

of the world.

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