The Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

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1 ╭ The War Within

dhritaras htra


O Sanjaya, tell me what happened at

Kurukshetra, the field of dharma, where my

family and the Pandavas gathered to fight.



Having surveyed the forces of the Pandavas arrayed

for battle, prince Duryodhana approached his teacher,

Drona, and spoke. 3 “O my teacher, look at this mighty

army of the Pandavas, assembled by your own gifted

disciple, Yudhishthira. 4 There are heroic warriors

and great archers who are the equals of Bhima and

Arjuna: Yuyudhana, Virata, the mighty Drupada,


Dhrishtaketu, Chekitana, the valiant king of Kashi,

Purujit, Kuntibhoja, the great leader Shaibya, 6 the

powerful Yudhamanyu, the valiant Uttamaujas,

and the son of Subhadra, in addition to the sons of

Draupadi. All these command mighty chariots.

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