Craniofacial Muscles

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7 Motor Control of Masticatory Muscles


from facial skin and intraoral structures but may also include some inputs from deep

tissues, such as muscles. The face MI and CMA also receive somatosensory inputs.

While limb MI neurons receive inputs primarily from deep tissues, face MI neurons

receive inputs especially from super fi cial tissues of the face, mouth, and jaws, such

as skin, mucosa, and teeth (Hatanaka et al. 2005 ; Henry and Catania 2006 ; Kaas

et al. 2006 ; Iyengar et al. 2007 ) . Although most face MI neurons receive somatosensory

inputs from the same orofacial areas within which movement is evoked by

ICMS applied to the same neuronal recording site receiving the somatosensory

inputs, a substantial number of face MI neurons receive somatosensory inputs from

distant orofacial regions that have no close spatial relation with the ICMS-evoked

movement area. In addition, a well-described feature of neurons not only in face SI,

but also face MI and CMA, is that these neurons receive bilateral inputs from the

orofacial tissues. This organization of somatosensory inputs to face MI is probably

related to the need for extensive somatosensory feedback from wide bilateral peripheral

orofacial areas for the fi ne control, coordination, and modulation of the bilateral

orofacial muscle activities during orofacial movements (Murray et al. 2001 ) . These

bilateral inputs may be used by CMA, for example, to help guide masticatoryrelated

movements. Face MI may also utilize its orofacial afferent inputs for generating

and regulating orofacial movements in order to re fi ne ongoing cortical motor

activity and shape the appropriate motor response. For example, this is seen in the

control of voluntary orofacial movements such as the manipulation of the food

bolus after it is placed in the mouth, since many face MI neurons are active during

the food preparatory phase. Sensory inputs from the orofacial regions presumably

are utilized by these MI neurons for this purpose. Pain may also in fl uence masticatory

muscle function by actions on the sensorimotor cortex as will be discussed in

the following section.

Face MI and SI rely on orofacial afferent inputs to guide, correct, and control

movement by the use of sensory cues prior to movement and by using sensory

information generated during movement. These processes may involve intracortical

processing, cortical gating, and transfer of somatosensory information, as well as

corticofugal projections to subcortical sites that modulate and select somatosensory

information ascending through subcortical relay neurons in the brainstem, such as

VBSNC, NTS, and thalamus. These inputs also play critical roles in motor learning

and in the motor adjustments or adaptations that take place after a change in the

peripheral environment. This brings us to a consideration of neuroplasticity, especially

as it applies to the cortical mechanisms of orofacial motor control.

7.5 Cortical Neuroplasticity and Control

of Masticatory Muscles

Neuroplasticity is the capacity of the nervous system in general to alter its structure

(e.g., synaptogenesis, dendritic branching) and function (e.g., excitability, longterm

depression or potentiation) throughout life (Ebner 2005 ; Barnes and Finnerty

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