Craniofacial Muscles

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9 Structure and Function of the Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Muscles


Fig. 9.8 High-resolution manometry data showing pressure changes across time and spatial position

with 5 mL bolus swallow using head turn. Upper esophageal sphincter is plot’s upper border and

plot’s lower border is nasopharynx. Used with permission from McCulloch et al. ( 2010 )

weakening of the pharynx (Belafsky et al. 2010 ) . Maneuvers such as the effortful

swallow have been found to elicit longer UES relaxation durations and improve

swallow function impacted by CP dysfunction (Hiss and Huckabee 2005 ) . Recently,

Belafsky ( 2010 ) determined that manual control of the UES was possible by placing

a traction suture around the cricoid cartilage’s anterior edge and speci fi cally

placing an implant near the cricoid cartilage. This implant would then open up the

UES when an external magnet was placed on the neck. This Swallow Expansion

Device (SED) reportedly improved UES opening in patients with oropharyngeal

dysphagia. Testing of the suture in sheep and cadavers before implantation into

humans did not result in any cricoid abrasion but did improve opening of the UES

by over 1 cm and prevent aspiration in an ovine model. Thus, there is the possibility

of using novel devices in the treatment of dysphagia related to CP muscle dysfunction

as new technology emerges.

While pharyngeal muscles primarily subserve deglutition, there is some evidence

that they may be active under some respiratory conditions. These muscles are not

typically recruited during rest breathing, but there have been reports of pharyngeal

muscle activity with airway obstruction and high respiratory drive (van Lunteren

and Strohl 1986 ) . Likewise, the superior constrictor muscle may adjust air fl ow

resistance during expiration (Collett et al. 1986 ) .

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