Craniofacial Muscles

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176 C.L. Ludlow







Effects of hyo-laryngeal elevation

on Airway protection







Effects of hyo-laryngeal elevation

on opening the UES

Fig. 10.1 ( a ) Schematic illustration of the muscle vectors to raise the hyo-laryngeal complex to

close the laryngeal vestibule and protect the airway from bolus entry. ( b ) A schematic illustration

of how hyo-laryngeal elevation can stretch the cricopharyngeus to assist with the movement of the

bolus through the upper esophageal sphincter. The muscles are mylohyoid (MH), geniohyoid

(GH), hyoglossus (HG), and thyrohyoid (TH). The upper esophageal sphincter is labeled UES

pharyngeal constrictor functions as part of the upper esophageal sphincter along

with the cricopharyngeus (Mu and Sanders 2001 ) .

The upper esophageal sphincter is a complex structure. First, Mu and Sanders

have recently described the cricothyropharyngeus muscle found only in human specimens

(Mu and Sanders 2008 ) . This muscle originates from the anterior arch of the

cricoid cartilage, courses between the inferior pharyngeal constrictor and cricopharyngeus

muscles to insert into the median raphe at the posterior midline of the pharynx

with separate innervation of two compartments; a laryngeal portion innervated

by the external superior laryngeal nerve, and a pharyngeal portion innervated by the

pharyngeal plexus. The cricopharyngeus forms the major part of the upper esophageal

sphincter and is of great importance to swallowing—this muscle is normally

tonically active keeping the sphincter closed to prevent spillage of the contents of the

upper esophagus into the hypopharynx and the upper airway. Relaxation is essential

to allow the bolus to be cleared out of the hypopharynx and into the esophagus.

Without relaxation and bolus clearance there is the collection of residual of the bolus

which will collect in the pyriform sinuses, and spillage back into the glottis and

through the vocal folds places the person at risk of aspiration of food or liquid into

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