I'm Still Human: Understanding Depression With Kindness (Expanded Edition - 2021)

A compassionate guide for those coping with or caring for someone with depression...

A compassionate guide for those coping with or caring for someone with depression...


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Foreword I

It is an honor and privilege to write this

foreword. I have come to know Dr. Phang Cheng

Kar as a kind and compassionate Buddhist

psychiatrist who has done Dhamma work for

more than ten years, in particular the formation

of the Kuala Lumpur Buddhist Mental Health

Association (BMHA). This book adds to the list of

books, CD’s and products Dr. Phang has generously produced for

the public. He helps us to understand mental illness and to find

relevant information to address our suffering.

This book provides a deep perspective of the multidimensional

aspects of depression. It also covers the various treatments

involved. A particularly useful part of the book is a list of ways to

encourage someone with depression to seek help. It also

demystifies what happens in the consultation room of a

psychiatrist. For those who suffer from depression, the story

written by a patient of her journey from hopelessness, suicidal

thoughts and self-harm to gratitude for her treatments, new

discoveries and final full acceptance of her illness, is most touching.

An exceptional aspect of this book, not available in most self-help

books on depression, is Part Three. This section helps the

depressed to cultivate kindness towards themselves. The depressed

need not label themselves as weak or feel alone. They can learn to

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