Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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96 3 • The Cell<br />

Group translocation also transports substances into bacterial cells. In this case, as a molecule moves into a cell<br />

against its concentration gradient, it is chemically modified so that it does not require transport against an<br />

unfavorable concentration gradient. A common example of this is the bacterial phosphotransferase system, a<br />

series of carriers that phosphorylates (i.e., adds phosphate ions to) glucose or other sugars upon entry into<br />

cells. Since the phosphorylation of sugars is required during the early stages of sugar metabolism, the<br />

phosphotransferase system is considered to be an energy neutral system.<br />

Photosynthetic Membrane Structures<br />

Some prokaryotic cells, namely cyanobacteria and photosynthetic bacteria, have membrane structures that<br />

enable them to perform photosynthesis. These structures consist of an infolding of the plasma membrane that<br />

encloses photosynthetic pigments such as green chlorophylls and bacteriochlorophylls. In cyanobacteria,<br />

these membrane structures are called thylakoids; in photosynthetic bacteria, they are called chromatophores,<br />

lamellae, or chlorosomes.<br />

Cell Wall<br />

The primary function of the cell wall is to protect the cell from harsh conditions in the outside environment.<br />

When present, there are notable similarities and differences among the cell walls of archaea, bacteria, and<br />

eukaryotes.<br />

The major component of bacterial cell walls is called peptidoglycan (or murein); it is only found in bacteria.<br />

Structurally, peptidoglycan resembles a layer of meshwork or fabric (Figure 3.25). Each layer is composed of<br />

long chains of alternating molecules of N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM). The<br />

structure of the long chains has significant two-dimensional tensile strength due to the formation of peptide<br />

bridges that connect NAG and NAM within each peptidoglycan layer. In gram-negative bacteria, tetrapeptide<br />

chains extending from each NAM unit are directly cross-linked, whereas in gram-positive bacteria, these<br />

tetrapeptide chains are linked by pentaglycine cross-bridges. Peptidoglycan subunits are made inside of the<br />

bacterial cell and then exported and assembled in layers, giving the cell its shape.<br />

Since peptidoglycan is unique to bacteria, many antibiotic drugs are designed to interfere with peptidoglycan<br />

synthesis, weakening the cell wall and making bacterial cells more susceptible to the effects of osmotic<br />

pressure (see Mechanisms of Antibacterial Drugs). In addition, certain cells of the human immune system are<br />

able “recognize” bacterial pathogens by detecting peptidoglycan on the surface of a bacterial cell; these cells<br />

then engulf and destroy the bacterial cell, using enzymes such as lysozyme, which breaks down and digests the<br />

peptidoglycan in their cell walls (see Pathogen Recognition and Phagocytosis).<br />

Figure 3.25<br />

Peptidoglycan is composed of polymers of alternating NAM and NAG subunits, which are cross-linked by peptide bridges<br />

linking NAM subunits from various glycan chains. This provides the cell wall with tensile strength in two dimensions.<br />

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