Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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696 17 • Innate Nonspecific Host Defenses<br />

Figure 17.9<br />

The three complement activation pathways have different triggers, as shown here, but all three result in the activation of the<br />

complement protein C3, which produces C3a and C3b. The latter binds to the surface of the target cell and then works with other<br />

complement proteins to cleave C5 into C5a and C5b. C5b also binds to the cell surface and then recruits C6 through C9; these molecules<br />

form a ring structure called the membrane attack complex (MAC), which punches through the cell membrane of the invading pathogen,<br />

causing it to swell and burst.<br />

Although each complement activation pathway is initiated in a different way, they all provide the same<br />

protective outcomes: opsonization, inflammation, chemotaxis, and cytolysis. The term opsonization refers to<br />

the coating of a pathogen by a chemical substance (called an opsonin) that allows phagocytic cells to recognize,<br />

engulf, and destroy it more easily. Opsonins from the complement cascade include C1q, C3b, and C4b.<br />

Additional important opsonins include mannose-binding proteins and antibodies. The complement fragments<br />

C3a and C5a are well-characterized anaphylatoxins with potent proinflammatory functions. Anaphylatoxins<br />

activate mast cells, causing degranulation and the release of inflammatory chemical signals, including<br />

mediators that cause vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. C5a is also one of the most potent<br />

chemoattractants for neutrophils and other white blood cells, cellular defenses that will be discussed in the<br />

next section.<br />

The complement proteins C6, C7, C8, and C9 assemble into a membrane attack complex (MAC), which allows<br />

C9 to polymerize into pores in the membranes of gram-negative bacteria. These pores allow water, ions, and<br />

other molecules to move freely in and out of the targeted cells, eventually leading to cell lysis and death of the<br />

pathogen (Figure 17.9). However, the MAC is only effective against gram-negative bacteria; it cannot penetrate<br />

the thick layer of peptidoglycan associated with cell walls of gram-positive bacteria. Since the MAC does not<br />

pose a lethal threat to gram-positive bacterial pathogens, complement-mediated opsonization is more<br />

important for their clearance.<br />

Cytokines<br />

Cytokines are soluble proteins that act as communication signals between cells. In a nonspecific innate<br />

immune response, various cytokines may be released to stimulate production of chemical mediators or other<br />

cell functions, such as cell proliferation, cell differentiation, inhibition of cell division, apoptosis, and<br />

chemotaxis.<br />

When a cytokine binds to its target receptor, the effect can vary widely depending on the type of cytokine and<br />

the type of cell or receptor to which it has bound. The function of a particular cytokine can be described as<br />

autocrine, paracrine, or endocrine (Figure 17.10). In autocrine function, the same cell that releases the<br />

cytokine is the recipient of the signal; in other words, autocrine function is a form of self-stimulation by a cell.<br />

In contrast, paracrine function involves the release of cytokines from one cell to other nearby cells,<br />

stimulating some response from the recipient cells. Last, endocrine function occurs when cells release<br />

cytokines into the bloodstream to be carried to target cells much farther away.<br />

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