Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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1194 E • Glossary<br />

sequence<br />

integrase inhibitors antiviral drugs that<br />

block the activity of the HIV integrase<br />

responsible for recombination of a DNA<br />

copy of the viral genome into the host cell<br />

chromosome<br />

intercalating agent molecule that slides<br />

between the stacked nitrogenous bases of<br />

the DNA double helix, potentially resulting<br />

in a frameshift mutation<br />

interference distortion of a light wave due<br />

to interaction with another wave<br />

interferons cytokines released by cells<br />

that have been infected with a virus;<br />

stimulate antiviral responses in nearby<br />

cells as well as the cells secreting the<br />

interferons<br />

interleukins cytokines largely produced<br />

by immune system cells that help<br />

coordinate efforts against invading<br />

pathogens<br />

intermediate filament one of a diverse<br />

group of cytoskeletal fibers that act as<br />

cables within the cell and anchor the<br />

nucleus, comprise the nuclear lamina, or<br />

contribute to the formation of<br />

desmosomes<br />

intermediate host a host in which a<br />

parasite goes through some stages of its<br />

life cycle before migrating to the definitive<br />

host<br />

intermittent common source spread a<br />

mode of disease transmission in which<br />

every infection originates from the same<br />

source and that source produces<br />

infections for a period before stopping and<br />

then starting again<br />

interphaseperiod of the cell cycle leading<br />

up to mitosis; includes G1, S, and G2<br />

phases (the interim period between two<br />

consecutive cell divisions<br />

intertrigo a rash that occurs in a skin fold<br />

intestinal fluke a trematode worm that<br />

infects the intestine, often caused by<br />

Fasciolopsis buski<br />

intracellular targeting toxin see A-B<br />

exotoxin<br />

intrinsic growth rate genetically<br />

determined generation time under<br />

specific conditions for a bacterial strain<br />

intron intervening sequence of a<br />

eukaryotic gene that does not code for<br />

protein and whose corresponding RNA<br />

sequences are removed from the primary<br />

transcript during splicing<br />

intubation placement of a tube into the<br />

trachea, generally to open the airway or to<br />

administer drugs or oxygen<br />

in-use test a technique for monitoring the<br />

correct use of disinfectants in a clinical<br />

setting; involves placing used, diluted<br />

disinfectant onto an agar plate to see if<br />

microbial colonies will grow<br />

invasion dissemination of a pathogen<br />

through local tissues or throughout the<br />

body<br />

iodophor compound in which iodine is<br />

complexed to an organic molecule,<br />

increasing the stability and efficacy of<br />

iodine as a disinfectant<br />

ionizing radiation high-energy form of<br />

radiation that is able to penetrate surfaces<br />

and sterilize materials by damaging<br />

microbial cell components and DNA<br />

ischemia condition marked by the<br />

inadequate flow of blood to the tissues<br />

isograft tissue grafted from one<br />

monozygotic twin to another<br />

isohemagglutinins IgM class antibodies<br />

produced against A or B red blood cell<br />

antigens<br />

isomers molecules that have the same<br />

atomic makeup but differ in the structural<br />

arrangement of the atoms<br />

isoniazid antimetabolite that inhibits<br />

biosynthesis of mycolic acid; used for the<br />

treatment of mycobacterial infections<br />

isoprenoid branched lipid derived from<br />

five-carbon isoprene molecules<br />

isotonic medium a solution in which the<br />

solute concentrations inside and outside<br />

the cell are approximately equal, thereby<br />

creating no net movement of water<br />

molecules across the cell membrane<br />

ivermectin antihelminthic drug of the<br />

avermectin class that binds to invertebrate<br />

glutamate-gated chloride channels to<br />

block neuronal transmission in helminths<br />

J<br />

Japanese encephalitis arboviral disease<br />

caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus<br />

(JEV) and endemic to Asia<br />

jaundice yellowish color of the skin and<br />

mucous membranes caused by excessive<br />

bilirubin caused by a failure of the liver to<br />

effectively process the breakdown of<br />

hemoglobin<br />

K<br />

karyokinesismitotic nuclear division<br />

keratin a fibrous protein found in hair,<br />

nails, and skin<br />

keratitis inflammation of the cornea<br />

keratoconjunctivitis inflammation of<br />

both the cornea and the conjunctiva<br />

kidney organ that filters the blood,<br />

producing urine<br />

Kinyoun technique a method of acid-fast<br />

staining that does not use heat to infuse<br />

the primary stain, carbolfuchsin, into<br />

acid-fast cells<br />

Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion test simple,<br />

rapid method for determining<br />

susceptibility and resistance of a bacterial<br />

pathogen to antibacterial drugs. The test<br />

involves drug-impregnated disks placed<br />

on an agar plate inoculated with a<br />

bacterial lawn.<br />

Koplik’s spots white spots that form on<br />

the inner lining of the cheek of patients<br />

with measles<br />

Krebs cycle cyclic pathway during which<br />

each two-carbon unit entering the cycle is<br />

further oxidized, producing three NADH,<br />

one FADH 2 , and one ATP by substratelevel<br />

phosphorylation, releasing two CO 2<br />

molecules and regenerating the molecule<br />

used in the first step; also called the citric<br />

acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle<br />

kuru rare form of transmissible<br />

spongiform encephalopathy endemic to<br />

Papua New Guinea<br />

L<br />

lacrimal duct connects the lacrimal gland<br />

to the lacrimal sac<br />

lacrimal gland a gland situated above the<br />

eye that secretes tears<br />

lacrimal punctum opening in each upper<br />

and lower eyelid<br />

lacrimal sac a to a reservoir for tears; also<br />

known as the dacrocyst or tear sac<br />

lag period the time between antigen<br />

exposure and production of antibodies<br />

lag phase interval before exponential<br />

growth of a microbial population during<br />

which cells adjust to a new environment<br />

lagging strand strand of DNA made<br />

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