Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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13 • Review Questions 555<br />

12. Bleach is an example of which group of<br />

chemicals used for disinfection?<br />

A. heavy metals<br />

B. halogens<br />

C. quats<br />

D. bisbiguanides<br />

13. Which chemical disinfectant works by<br />

methylating enzymes and nucleic acids and is<br />

known for being toxic and carcinogenic?<br />

A. sorbic acid<br />

B. triclosan<br />

C. formaldehyde<br />

D. hexaclorophene<br />

14. Which type of test is used to determine whether<br />

disinfectant solutions actively used in a clinical<br />

setting are being used correctly?<br />

A. disk-diffusion assay<br />

B. phenol coefficient test<br />

C. in-use test<br />

D. use-dilution test<br />

15. The effectiveness of chemical disinfectants has<br />

historically been compared to that of which of<br />

the following?<br />

A. phenol<br />

B. ethyl alcohol<br />

C. bleach<br />

D. formaldehyde<br />

16. Which of the following refers to a germicide that<br />

can kill vegetative cells and certain enveloped<br />

viruses but not endospores?<br />

A. high-level germicide<br />

B. intermediate-level germicide<br />

C. low-level germicide<br />

D. sterilant<br />

True/False<br />

17. Sanitization leaves an object free of microbes.<br />

18. Ionizing radiation can penetrate surfaces, but<br />

nonionizing radiation cannot.<br />

19. Moist-heat sterilization protocols require the<br />

use of higher temperatures for longer periods of<br />

time than do dry-heat sterilization protocols do.<br />

Fill in the Blank<br />

22. A medical item that comes into contact with<br />

intact skin and does not penetrate sterile<br />

tissues or come into contact with mucous<br />

membranes is called a(n) ________ item.<br />

23. The goal of ________ ________ protocols is to<br />

rid canned produce of Clostridium botulinum<br />

endospores.<br />

24. In an autoclave, the application of pressure to<br />

________ is increased to allow the steam to<br />

achieve temperatures above the boiling point of<br />

water.<br />

Short Answer<br />

29. What are some characteristics of microbes and<br />

infectious agents that would require handling in<br />

a BSL-3 laboratory?<br />

20. Soaps are classified as disinfectants.<br />

21. Mercury-based compounds have fallen out of<br />

favor for use as preservatives and antiseptics.<br />

25. Doorknobs and other surfaces in clinical<br />

settings are often coated with ________,<br />

________, or ________ to prevent the<br />

transmission of microbes.<br />

26. If a chemical disinfectant is more effective than<br />

phenol, then its phenol coefficient would be<br />

________ than 1.0.<br />

27. If used for extended periods of time, ________<br />

germicides may lead to sterility.<br />

28. In the disk-diffusion assay, a large zone of<br />

inhibition around a disk to which a chemical<br />

disinfectant has been applied indicates<br />

________ of the test microbe to the chemical<br />

disinfectant.<br />

30. What is the purpose of degerming? Does it<br />

completely eliminate microbes?<br />

31. What are some factors that alter the<br />

effectiveness of a disinfectant?

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