Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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1188 E • Glossary<br />

quantification or identification of the<br />

antigen bound by the antibody<br />

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay<br />

(ELISA) specialized form of EIA in which<br />

either the primary antibody or the antigen<br />

is first attached to a solid surface such as<br />

the well of a microtiter plate<br />

eosinophils leukocytes with granules<br />

containing histamine and major basic<br />

protein; facilitate allergic responses and<br />

protection against parasitic protozoa and<br />

helminths<br />

epidemic disease an illness with a higherthan-expected<br />

incidence in a given period<br />

within a given population<br />

epidemic typhus severe and sometimes<br />

fatal infection caused by Rickettsia<br />

prowazekii and transmitted by body lice<br />

epidemiology the study of where and<br />

when infectious diseases occur in a<br />

population and how they are transmitted<br />

and maintained in nature<br />

epidermis the outermost layer of human<br />

skin<br />

epididymis coiled tube that collects sperm<br />

from the testes and passes it on to the vas<br />

deferens<br />

epididymitis inflammation of the<br />

epididymis caused by a bacterial infection<br />

epigenetic regulation chemical<br />

modification of DNA or associated<br />

histones to influence transcription<br />

epiglottis flap of cartilage that covers the<br />

larynx during swallowing; diverts food to<br />

the esophagus and prevents it from<br />

entering the respiratory tract<br />

epiglottitis inflammation of the epiglottis<br />

epiphyte a plant that grows on another<br />

plant<br />

epitope smaller exposed region on an<br />

antigen that is recognized by B-cell and T-<br />

cell receptors and antibodies<br />

Epsilonproteobacteria class of<br />

Proteobacteria that are microaerophilic<br />

equivalence zone region where the<br />

antibody–antigen ratio produces the<br />

greatest amount of precipitin in a<br />

precipitin reaction<br />

erysipelas a skin infection, typically<br />

caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, that<br />

presents as a red, large, intensely<br />

inflamed patch of skin involving the<br />

dermis, usually with clear borders,<br />

typically on the legs or face<br />

erythema nodosum a condition that<br />

causes inflammation in the subcutaneous<br />

fat cells of the hypodermis resulting in red<br />

nodules<br />

erythema redness at the site of<br />

inflammation, usually due to dilation of<br />

blood vessels in the area to help bring in<br />

white blood cells<br />

erythrocyte red blood cell<br />

erythrogenic toxin exotoxin produced by<br />

some strains of Streptococcus pyogenes;<br />

activity of the toxin can produce the<br />

characteristic rash of scarlet fever<br />

erythromycin protein synthesis inhibitor<br />

of the macrolide class that is often used as<br />

an alternative to penicillin<br />

eschar a localized mass of dead skin<br />

tissue<br />

Etest simple, rapid method for<br />

determining MIC, involving commercially<br />

available plastic strips that contain a<br />

gradient of an antimicrobial and are<br />

placed on an agar plate inoculated with a<br />

bacterial lawn<br />

etiologic agent the pathogen or substance<br />

responsible for causing a particular<br />

disease; causative agent<br />

etiology the science of the causes of<br />

disease<br />

Eukarya the domain of life that includes<br />

all unicellular and multicellular organisms<br />

with cells that contain membrane-bound<br />

nuclei and organelles<br />

eukaryote an organism made up of one or<br />

more cells that contain a membranebound<br />

nucleus and organelles<br />

eukaryotic cell has a nucleus surrounded<br />

by a complex nuclear membrane that<br />

contains multiple, rod-shaped<br />

chromosomes<br />

eustachian tube small passage between<br />

the nasopharynx and the middle ear that<br />

allows pressure to equalize across the<br />

tympanic membrane<br />

excystment the process of emerging from<br />

a cyst<br />

exergonic reaction chemical reaction that<br />

does not require energy beyond activation<br />

energy to proceed; releases energy when<br />

the reaction occurs<br />

exocytosis the release of the contents of<br />

transport vesicles to the cell’s exterior by<br />

fusion of the transport vesicle’s membrane<br />

with the plasma membrane<br />

exoenzyme secreted enzyme that<br />

enhances the ability of microorganisms to<br />

invade host cells<br />

exon protein-coding sequence of a<br />

eukaryotic gene that is transcribed into<br />

RNA and spliced together to code for a<br />

polypeptide<br />

exonuclease enzymatic activity that<br />

removes RNA primers in DNA introduced<br />

by primase<br />

exotoxin biologically active product that<br />

causes adverse changes in the host cells<br />

experimental epidemiology the use of<br />

laboratory and clinical studies to directly<br />

study disease in a population<br />

experimental study a type of scientific<br />

study that involves manipulation of the<br />

study subjects by the researcher through<br />

application of specific treatments<br />

hypothesized to affect the outcome while<br />

maintaining rigorously controlled<br />

conditions<br />

exposure contact between potential<br />

pathogen and host; also called<br />

contamination or contact<br />

extended-spectrum β-lactamases<br />

(ESBLs) β-lactamases carried by some<br />

gram-negative bacteria that provide<br />

resistance to all penicillins,<br />

cephalosporins, monobactams, and β-<br />

lactamase-inhibitor combinations, but not<br />

carbapenems<br />

extensively drug resistant<br />

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (XDR-TB)<br />

strains of M. tuberculosis that are resistant<br />

to rifampin and isoniazid, and also are<br />

resistant to any fluoroquinolone and at<br />

least one of three other drugs (amikacin,<br />

kanamycin, or capreomycin)<br />

extracellular matrix material composed<br />

of proteoglycans and fibrous proteins<br />

secreted by some eukaryotic cells that lack<br />

cell walls; helps multicellular structures<br />

withstand physical stresses and<br />

coordinates signaling from the external<br />

surface of the cell to the interior of the cell<br />

extracellular polymeric substances<br />

(EPS) hydrated gel secreted by bacteria in<br />

a biofilm containing polysaccharides,<br />

proteins, nucleic acids, and some lipids<br />

extrachromosomal DNA additional<br />

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