Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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556 13 • Review Questions<br />

32. What is the advantage of HTST pasteurization<br />

compared with sterilization? What is an<br />

advantage of UHT treatment?<br />

33. How does the addition of salt or sugar help<br />

preserve food?<br />

34. Which is more effective at killing microbes:<br />

autoclaving or freezing? Explain.<br />

35. Which solution of ethyl alcohol is more effective<br />

at inhibiting microbial growth: a 70% solution<br />

or a 100% solution? Why?<br />

Critical Thinking<br />

40. When plotting microbial death curves, how<br />

might they look different for bactericidal versus<br />

bacteriostatic treatments?<br />

41. What are the benefits of cleaning something to a<br />

level of cleanliness beyond what is required?<br />

What are some possible disadvantages of doing<br />

so?<br />

42. In 2001, endospores of Bacillus anthracis, the<br />

causative agent of anthrax, were sent to<br />

government officials and news agencies via the<br />

mail. In response, the US Postal Service began<br />

to irradiate mail with UV light. Was this an<br />

effective strategy? Why or why not?<br />

36. When might a gas treatment be used to control<br />

microbial growth instead of autoclaving? What<br />

are some examples?<br />

37. What is the advantage of using an iodophor<br />

rather than iodine or an iodine tincture?<br />

38. Why were chemical disinfectants once<br />

commonly compared with phenol?<br />

39. Why is length of exposure to a chemical<br />

disinfectant important for its activity?<br />

43. Looking at Figure 13.29 and reviewing the<br />

functional groups in Figure 7.6, which<br />

alkylating agent shown lacks an aldehyde<br />

group?<br />

44. Do you think naturally produced antimicrobial<br />

products like nisin and natamycin should<br />

replace sorbic acid for food preservation? Why<br />

or why not?<br />

45. Why is the use of skin disinfecting compounds<br />

required for surgical scrubbing and not for<br />

everyday handwashing?<br />

46. What are some advantages of use-dilution and<br />

in-use tests compared with the disk-diffusion<br />

assay?<br />

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