Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021

Microbiology, 2021


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E • Glossary 1183<br />

chromosome discrete DNA structure<br />

within a cell that controls cellular<br />

activities<br />

chronic disease any disease that<br />

progresses and persists over a long time<br />

chronic granulomatous disease primary<br />

immunodeficiency caused by an impaired<br />

ability of phagocytic cells to kill ingested<br />

bacteria in the phagolysosome<br />

chronic wasting disease prion disease of<br />

deer and elk in the United States and<br />

Canada<br />

cilia (singular: cilium) short filamentous<br />

structures found on some eukaryotic cells;<br />

each is composed of microtubules in a 9+2<br />

array, and may be used for locomotion,<br />

feeding, and/or movement of extracellular<br />

particles that come in contact with the cell<br />

ciliated epithelial cells hair-like cells in<br />

the respiratory tract that beat, pushing<br />

mucus secretions and trapped debris away<br />

from the sensitive tissues of the lungs<br />

ciliates protists with cilia (Ciliophora),<br />

including Paramecium and Stentor,<br />

classified within the Chromalveolata<br />

cisternae the sacs of the endoplasmic<br />

reticulum<br />

citric acid cycle see Krebs cycle<br />

class switching genetic rearrangement of<br />

constant region gene segments in plasma<br />

cells to switch antibody production from<br />

IgM to IgG, IgA, or IgE<br />

clindamycin semisynthetic protein<br />

synthesis inhibitor of the lincosamide<br />

class that binds to the 50S subunit,<br />

inhibiting peptide bond formation<br />

clone a genetically identical cell or<br />

individual<br />

Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis<br />

relatively mild gastrointestinal illness<br />

caused by C. perfringens<br />

clusters of differentiation (CD) cellsurface<br />

glycoproteins that serve to identify<br />

and distinguish white blood cells<br />

coagulase enzyme that causes the<br />

activation of fibrinogen to form fibrin,<br />

promoting clotting of the blood<br />

coarse focusing knob a knob on a<br />

microscope that produces relatively large<br />

movements to adjust focus<br />

coccidioidomycosis disease caused by the<br />

highly infectious fungal pathogen<br />

Coccidioides immitis and related species<br />

codon three-nucleotide sequence within<br />

mRNA that specifies a particular amino<br />

acid to be incorporated into the<br />

polypeptide being synthesized<br />

coenocyte multinucleated eukaryotic cell<br />

that forms as a result of multiple rounds of<br />

nuclear division without the<br />

accompanying division of the plasma<br />

membrane<br />

coenocytic hyphae nonseptate hyphae<br />

that are multinucleate and lack cell walls<br />

or membranes between cells;<br />

characteristic of some fungi<br />

coenzyme organic molecule required for<br />

proper enzyme function that is not<br />

consumed and is reusable<br />

cofactor inorganic ion that helps stabilize<br />

enzyme conformation and function<br />

cognate amino acid amino acid added to a<br />

specific tRNA molecule that correctly<br />

corresponds to the tRNA’s anticodon and,<br />

hence, the mRNA’s codon, reflecting the<br />

genetic code<br />

cohort method a method used in<br />

observational studies in which a group of<br />

individuals is followed over time and<br />

factors potentially important in the<br />

development of disease are evaluated<br />

colistin membrane-active polymyxin that<br />

was historically used for bowel<br />

decontamination but now used for<br />

systemic infections with drug-resistant<br />

pathogens<br />

colitis inflammation of the large intestine<br />

collagenase enzyme that digests collagen,<br />

the dominant protein in connective tissue<br />

colony-forming unit (CFU) a counting<br />

quantity represented by a colony formed<br />

on solid medium from a single cell or a few<br />

cells<br />

commensalism type of symbiosis in<br />

which one population benefits and the<br />

other is not affected<br />

commercial sterilization type of<br />

sterilization protocol used in food<br />

production; uses conditions that are less<br />

harsh (lower temperatures) to preserve<br />

food quality but still effectively destroy<br />

vegetative cells and endospores of<br />

common foodborne pathogens such as<br />

Clostridium botulinum<br />

common cold most common cause of<br />

rhinitis in humans; associated with a<br />

variety of adenoviruses, coronaviruses,<br />

and rhinoviruses<br />

common source spread a mode of disease<br />

transmission in which every infection<br />

originates from the same source<br />

communicable able to be transmitted<br />

directly or indirectly from one person to<br />

another<br />

community group of interacting<br />

populations of organisms<br />

competitive inhibitor molecule that binds<br />

to an enzyme’s active site, preventing<br />

substrate binding<br />

competitive interactions interactions<br />

between populations in which one of them<br />

competes with another for resources<br />

complement activation cascading<br />

activation of the complement proteins in<br />

the blood, resulting in opsonization,<br />

inflammation, and lysis of pathogens<br />

complement fixation test test for<br />

antibodies against a specific pathogen<br />

using complement-mediated hemolysis<br />

complement system series of proteins<br />

that can become activated in the presence<br />

of invading microbes, resulting in<br />

opsonization, inflammation, and lysis of<br />

pathogens<br />

complementary base pairs base pairing<br />

due to hydrogen bonding that occurs<br />

between a specific purine and a specific<br />

pyrimidine; A bonds with T (in DNA), and<br />

C bonds with G<br />

complementary DNA (cDNA) a DNA<br />

molecule complementary to mRNA that is<br />

made through the activity of reverse<br />

transcriptase<br />

complex media media that contain<br />

extracts of animals and plants that are not<br />

chemically defined<br />

complex virus virus shape that often<br />

includes intricate characteristics not seen<br />

in the other categories of capsid<br />

compound microscope a microscope that<br />

uses multiple lenses to focus light from the<br />

specimen<br />

condenser lens a lens on a microscope<br />

that focuses light from the light source<br />

onto the specimen<br />

conditional mutation mutant form of a<br />

gene whose mutant phenotype is<br />

expressed only under certain<br />

environmental conditions

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